movies with death

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Requested by EmmaRae17

Movie night with mumza


The living room was covered in blankets and pillows, Tommy making quick work to fold them, albeit messily. Phil was in the kitchen making popcorn and hot chocolate all while listening to the radio blasting in the living room.

As Tommy was shouting along with the lyrics, Techno came downstairs, a bunch of Wilbur and Tommy's plushies in his arms. He sat them down on the couch, snorting in laughter when Tommy started serenading them.

When Phil came in with a filled tray, Wilbur had emerged though the main door, a very tall woman behind him. "Hey, we're here," he exclaimed, trotting inside. Kristin slowly ducked down, narrowly missing the crown of her head, and kneeled next to Phil, giving him a chaste cheek kiss.

His wings fluttered excitedly, and he carefully set the tray on the table in front of the couch. Tommy grabbed his favorite plush, Henry, and flopped next to Techno after he had cleared himself a spot.

"So, what movie are we gonna start with, mom?" Wilbur asked, chirping when she ruffled his hair. "I don't really mind, but I've been wanting to see a certain movie," she explained.


The lights were switched off, the TV on and bowls filled with buttered popcorn sat in the laps of a bundled heap of bodies. They had finished their fourth movie of the night, and some were gradually getting more and more tired.

Tommy's bowl was nearly empty, Techno's barely touched and Wilbur's being half full. Kristin and Phil had been sharing a bowl since neither of them really liked popcorn, and Techno had argued that they share together as three since he also didn't like popcorn too much, but Phil had told him it would've ruined the mood.

To which Techno rolled his eyes at.

The fifth movie played to its end, and Tommy was blinking his eyes open after a small nap. He glanced over at his family and noticed that everyone was asleep, or seemed to be, at least.

He groaned under his breath and slowly leaned forward, trying not to disrupt Wilbur's dreamless sleep. He turned the TV off and relaxed back against his brother, exhaling through his nose softly.

Wilbur had stirred a bit at the feeling of movement on his side, and his eyes fluttered open. He rubbed then from under his round glasses and craned his head down to look at Tommy.

They made eye contact and only after a couple seconds, Wilbur pulled Tommy closer and closed his eyes, allowing his head to drop back on the couch. Tommy smiled to himself and wrapped his untrapped arm around Wilbur's torso.

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