School Supplies

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The brown haired girl had followed the green haired boy after they left the school.

"Please I am so sorry for costing you that much money!" Ochako said.

"It wasn't you. It was the dip shits that went to the Prometheus School of Running Away From Things." Izuku said "You were a civilian in danger."

"You say that like 7 million is worth less then a human life!" Ochako said "I wanna be a hero but you give me 7 million to wack a guy I'd seriously consider it! 7 million I could go my entire life without working."

"All sentient life is worth living." Izuku said "Very rarely would I be pushed to end a life. It isn't out of moral superiority or anything my beliefs are just aline with it."

"What belief is that?" Ochako asked.

"Neural Physics." Mei said spooking Ochako.

"Hi I'm Mei Hatsume of Mei Hatsume Incorporated." Mei said.

"I'm Ochako." Ochako said "What is Neural Physics?"

"Living time." Izuku explained "Picture the universe not as a single line. A baby is born, grows into a adult, grows old and dies. The universe is all these at once. Time exists as one singular moment and the collective of all people are mearly the neurons of the universe."

"Sounds like that weird story about God telling an old man he was being reincarnated." Ochako said.

"Well that is similar but thats not how time would be seen had our minds saw it." Izuku said "Time isn't that liner that we'd have to reincarnate to perceive the world. The fact if the universe is aware of us is up for debate but what it is for sure is all living species are neurons of one being. The interactions of species are the firing of those neurons."

"So what about good and evil?" Ochako asked.

"Free will exists. To completely abolished one side would be completely stupid." Izuku said "The two forces are part of the same coins. Everyone creates the thing they dread. Men of peace create engines of war. Invaders create avengers. To attempt to force something that inhibits the free will of others always ends with exact opposite outcome."

"So why are you being a hero?" Ochako asked.

"Heros are supposed to protect the ones that can't. All Might is actually a hindrance to the way a system should be." Izuku said "Heros are supposed to show up, Stop something from escalating and leave. All Might is like the guy standing in a street shouting fight me. His intentions are good but enthusiasm is a double edged sword."

"So the fight is pointless?" Ochako asked.

"No. We are the next generation. We have the power to make things right. And from what I can guess we have something very bad coming." Izuku said "The pendulum always swings back. The only way to stop the pendulum is stopping both sides."

"So if the pendulum is coming back that means a villain just as powerful as All Might will appear correct?" Ochako asked.

Izuku was quiet until he could finally speak "The power of quirks means there's probably gonna be one out there that bites humanity in the ass. Our choices are gonna gage how painful it is."


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