chapter 8

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Monday afternoon 

Izuku had met All Might at the beach and was pulling a fridge with one arm with All Might sitting on it. "You're a lot stronger than you look." All Might said.

"Extremis. It's a bio forming virus that treats the body like a machine and overclocked its natural processes." Izuku said, demonstrating by heating up his hand and punching the fridge. "It's no quirk but it does its job."

All Might had a look that Izuku could read "And yes it could fix your lungs." Izuku said.

All Might said "You're telling me you have all that and it isn't a quirk? When is something considered a quirk?!"

"A quirk is powered by subatomic vibrations. Every quirk has the ability to fuck reality up the ass if you get a good enough with it. The Yaoyorozu family can manufacture rare elements or even elements that don't exist!"


Momo Yaoyorozu and her parents sneezed. 

"An anti gravity quirk could turn a black hole into a sun."


Uraraka Ochako sneezed and got sent flying into the wall of her bedroom.

"You think the human body can produce enough nitroglycerin to fill an Olympic swimming pool without dehydrating?"


Katsumi sneezed.

"And don't even get me started on you or Endeavor!" Izuku said "Frostmaid is cold enough to create an atomic bomb if she tried. You have a nuclear plant's worth of energy in your cells! Endeavor creates flames that can't be extinguished by conventional methods."


Rei Todoroki sneezed and a nurse asked if she was ok.


Endeavor sneezed his morning paper to ashes. "RICKY!"

"He's on vacation Endeavor sir." A person on the intercom said.

"Oh right. How many vacation days does he have again?" Endeavor asked.

"He has about 6 months saved. He's in the tropics for the next two weeks."

"Oh right. Call him and tell him I want a shot glass."

"Right away sir."

Back at the beach

"Quirks aren't mutation, they aren't something biological, they're metaphysical. They're forces of nature. Sure genetics play a role in which one you have but the quirk itself is…"

"The power of a God." All Might said. Imagines of his master and the one who passed the quirk down to him. The number one hero had gone through his teenage years feeling completely useless and the world reinforced that notion.

"Mommy I wanna go home." A little Toshinori with a bloody nose and a broken toy, melted into slag. "I miss America. I miss dad."

His mother could only hug her child.

All Might had tried so hard to get Nana's autograph and he got jumped before he could get to the signing.

The breaking point was his girlfriend in bed with another guy and laughing in his face at how he thought he'd ever be anything but a failure. Toshinori was sitting on a bridge, nearly 18 years old, a case of beer he snagged from his mother's fridge, he had planned to jump.

Then his hero saved him.

The number one hero had talked to him that whole night. Toshinori had bled his heart that night. His life, his pain and Nana didn't give him pity or shit for it. She gave him a choice. Jump or something special from her. He chose the second.

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