chapter 7

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Izuku was flying around when something was approaching fast. All Might jumped up and said "Pull over!"

Izuku landed and said "What can I do for you sir?"

All Might deflated and said "We need to talk."

Izuku lifted the face plate and the narrow glare was what greeted Toshinori. "I have nothing to say to you."

"No. But I do." Toshi said "I just watched a real hero work."

Izuku just stared at him blankly. Toshi said "There are stories of the pros of the first time they saved someone. Each having a little variation but one thing stays the same. Their body moves before their brain. They run to preserve human life, even at risk to themselves."

"Look if you-" Izuku started but Toshi cut him off.

 "But I also watched a pro at work there." Toshi said "Usually a hero only has the tools to do one thing. Stop the fire or save the people. I witnessed a hero that was able to do both and limit property damage. I'm sorry I doubted you before."

Izuku looked up at the man and said "It was a valid opinion. You have the right to one but that doesn't mean it's right. Is there anything else you wanted to say or can I go home and eat my dinner?"

"Yeah I got one more thing." Toshi said "My quirk was passed down like a sacred torch from user to user. Collecting and storing energy from each one becoming stronger with each generation. I was born quirkless until my mentor passed the quirk to me!"

Izuku's eyes widened before All Might transformed and said "Izuku Midoriya, I choose you to be the next wielder of My quirk!"

Izuku jaw fell. "You were quirkless?"

All Might nodded and Izuku seemed to be losing his mind.

"What do you say?"

"I...ok." Izuku said dumbstruck.

Midoriya House

Inko had smiled at him over the table. "I ran into someone at the gym a few days ago."

"Really who?" Izuku asked.

"A certain bunny themed hero." Inko said, pulling out an Autograph.

"The Rabbit Hero: Mirko?!" Izuku shouted looking at the paper.

"Yep. She was impressed with my athletic skills and asked if I was going to become a hero. When she found out I wasn't she suggested something interesting I hadn't considered before." Inko said snapping Izuku out of his 'All Might was quirkless.' Shock.

Inko pulled out an envelope with a badge and a slip of paper. "You're looking at Vocanus's latest sidekick." Inko said pretending it wasn't a big deal knowing how much her son would like the news.

Izuku had to blink away a few seconds before shouting "Jarvis get the prototype microsheath!"

"Right away sir. Congratulations Mrs Midoriya." Jarvis said as the couch opened and a silver jumpsuit was lifted out.

"I can modify the undersheath to improve the padding." Izuku said excitedly "My mom's a sidekick!"

Inko was handed the undersheath and tried it on. "Just tap the chest and it will adjust. I can add some reinforcements. You want a taser? Or a flamethrower? Or-"

"I think it's fine as is." Inko said looking at herself in the mirror. "Maybe a little detail. It's a lot of silver."

"Ok but I'm adding wrist blades and a com link." Izuku said, pulling up a hologram and adjusting the suit.

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