Nomu in Hosu part 3

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Ok before we Stark

The first...let's say 8 or so chapters were written in Docs and haven't really been given as much love as the rest of the chapters. Hell they don't have names even.

Now here's the thing. Recently I've been struggling with how to go about some parts of this story.

When I say struggling with I mean is how to end the Stain encounter with it feeling right.

So here's my attempt to.

"Good job we'll pack up for the night. You've made good progress." Gunhead said.

"Thank you Sensei." Ochako said bowing. The ability to actually use her quirk without puking had pushed the lessons on using momentum in a fight had given Ochako mental whiplash from how fast things were going.

"I wonder how the others are doing?"


"pedicure manicure kitty cat claws." Mina sang to herself.

Mina was climbing a brick wall using small amounts of acid on her fingertips to climb. The suggestion to pick from the Urban Dealing heros had been genius.

"You beat Shoko because you could out maneuver her. Learning to outstep your opponent and lurk in the shadows will get the most out of your quirk."

Mina had started taking his suggestion to act like a xenomorph to heart.


Hawks had spun into a crouch after taking down two criminals.

Dark Shadow punched the final one. "Good job." Hawk said.

Tokoyami nodded.

One had gotten up and came after them with a bat.

Before Hawks had moved to intercept Tokoyami raised his arm, glaring at the criminal and when the bat connected the criminal had dropped it as a metallic ring echoed through the night.

"You should have stayed down." Tokoyami said slamming his fist into his palm causing a ringing again. "The darkness has molded a champion out of one of us. And it isn't you."

The villain had actually fainted.

"Well done." Hawks said slapping him on the back. Dark Shadow giving a thumbs up.

"Alright if we- hold on." Hawks was cut off by his earpiece "Hello? Nomu's? Investigation? Oh. I'll be right there."

"What is it?" Dark Shadow asked.

"They want me on the Nomu Investigation. Another one was captured." Hawks said "Are you good to join? I know we're here to teach but investigations are drooling."

"I am here to learn what I can." Tokoyami said.

Back with Stain

Katsumi had blasted the Grey Nomu across the face. The splatter of blood had put a smile on her face "Finally one without a shitty absorbing quirk!"

A flury of palm strikes had kept its regeneration on edge.

Katsumi kicked its leg jumping into its chest and blasting it back.

Torino kicked it in the face "Might wanna adjust that leg girly. Over extension could open you up to a counter." Jumping into a chain of kicks.

Katsumi followed the combo the old geezer demonstrated.

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