Looking for Normal

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Class 1-A dorms

It was 2 days after the tournament when Shinso had knocked on the other hero classes dorms.

"Can I help you?" Another purple haired girl answered the door.

"Yeah the green one told me he wanted to train me." Shinso said "He said something about having plans to help me?"

"He hasn't left his room since he came back yesterday." She said "Come on in."

"So where'd he go exactly?" Shinso asked.

"No clue. All we know is him and All Might returned miserable for some reason." Jirou said.

Shinso looked around and saw a few people just kicking it. It was a day off so it was expected.

Out walked from the dorms a unshaved, greasy mop of green hair in shorts and a muscle shirt. "Shinso glad you actually came!"

"Uh are you ok?" Shinso looked at him up and down "Cause you Definitely look like you haven't slept since the tournament."

"Not important!" Izuku said "Lets get you into shape. Anyone else wanna join?"

"I also require more physical training." Tokoyami said.

"I'm in!" Kirishima shouted.

"Alright Momo?"

"Uh I'm good for today." Momo said sitting on a... block of ice?

"What's up with her?" Shinso asked.

"Don't ask." Momo said.

"Let's see what you got for work out gear." Izuku said. A muttering of words I couldn't understand as an unmarked notebook was pulled out of somewhere.

When my UA Gym Uniform was revealed Izuku grabbed it "Nonononono. This is physical training. No quirks, no tests, this is pure working out so your gonna need the right equipment. Momo she's gonna need some proper workout clothes."

"What size are you?" Momo asked.

Shinso had a bad feeling about what the rest of her day was gonna be.


The group consisted of Izuku, Tokoyami, Shinso, Kirishima and Ojiro.

"I feel naked." Shinso said as she was in a pair of short shorts and a sports bra.

"There's no point of wearing extra clothes if your gonna be sweating today." Izuku said grinning.

"Why am I wearing these?!" Tokoyami asked wearing only shorts and shoes.

Dark Shadow let out a wolf whistle.

"Cause your the newbie." Kirishima said slapping him on the back.

"You gotta get this part over with." Ojiro said dressed in his standard Gi.

"Why are you wearing that?" Shinso asked.

"One must train in gear." Ojiro said.

"Normally I'd be training in a depowered suit." Izuku said "But today I'm here to get you caught up."

A firm slap to her left butt cheek sent Shinso jumping a foot into the air and letting out a loud yelp. "First we'll be doing some light cardio."

Shinso sighed and followed the group. Izuku pulling behind to make sure she didn't.

2 hours later

They had made it to where ever it was that Midoriya was taking them.

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