Chapter 59

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Edward POV

'MINE, MINE, MINE, MINEEEEEEE' I unconsciously tightened my arms around Scarlet and tuck my head closer into her neck to breathe in her scent, knowing I needed to calm down and cast away these thoughts 'Scarlet deserves better than me treating her like a possession, my possession' shaking my head from my thoughts feeling regret within myself and loosened my impossibly tight grip on Scarlet, hoping, praying that I didn't hurt her or scared her a way from me but to my surprise she followed my movements and leaned her body weight on me and "gasp" my breath hitched silently to human ears when she gently, painfully slowly grabbed my hands and wrapped them back around her middle. Breathing deeply, I could feel myself calming down bit by bit - flicking my eyes over at jasper who I unconsciously forgot was still in the room, I was even more shocked when reading his thoughts that he wasn't the reason that I was calm his thoughts only of hoping I was okay but wanting to see if I could handle my emotions myself which guiltily I haven't been very good at, being very selfish and almost 'what is it that people think' emo - I shudder from even the thought and realised that Scarlet was slowly changing me for the better without even realising it and that I needed to finally listen to what my family have been thinking and even saying to me but I always ignored or never really consciously believed them thinking that was just who I was, which is okay but not for me, not anymore - I need to appreciate what I do have, yes I may be a vampire and I wouldn't of necessarily chose to be one if I wasn't dying but with Scarlet in my arms I realise that I need to be thankful for who I am... even what I am.

Tucking my head back into Scarlets neck I suddenly have an overwhelming human emotion, not just an ordinary emotion that I deserve to feel, I feel like crying - like bursting into tears for finally, oh gosh finally realising my worth and for my family for given me everything I didn't deserve but knowing I'll do everything in my power even if it takes centuries, I'll do everything so they know how much I love and appreciate them and everything they have done for me, be it big or small - to treasure every moment I'll now be able to spend with them all for forever... forever, I smile for the first time thinking about it, forever with my family and nuzzling into my gorgeous, amazing, unbelievable mate who has unconsciously helped me realise who I truly am and to fully accept myself because how could I give everything to her, my love, my thoughts, my life if I couldn't even accept it myself.

In my own little world, feeling at peace wishing myself for the first time of my existence, I almost forgot someone was at the door until Jasper started heading toward the door with an almost grim look on his face because of the stench but I caught his thoughts on me and I grinned knowing that he was proud of me 'For how long you've felt like that brother, I'm so contented that you realise who you want to become and that no matter what we loved you, we just wanted you to love yourself', just hearing that - I knew that everything will be okay. I made sure to send brotherly love, happiness and acceptance back towards Jasper  before he opened the door. "Jacob, boys... can I help you" Jasper asked impassively with a nod towards Jacob and his friends.

I felt Scarlet shift, looking down I could tell she wanted to go to Jacob knowing she promised to see him today but was almost reluctant - taking a last final breath of her heavenly scent I slowly relaxed my arms to allow her to move, only for her to gently grasp my hand when I stepped to the side and made a show of tugging my hand delicately to indict her not wanting me to leave. I smile lovingly toward her which she returned with a megawatt smile herself and I stepped close to her side before we looked back at the door when we heard Jacob.

Jacob POV

"Er hi Jasper right" I shift uncomfortably not wanting to offend but a little freaked out with the family in front of my who hasn't shown a single emotion on his face or even moved beside the nod towards myself, Embry and Seth "erm right, sorry to come unannounced but I know that's Scarlets staying here and I wanted to come and make sure she was okay after leaving her dad, I know how much she loves him and wouldn't be willing to leave her home without a really good reason, plus I know she told me that we can spend the day tomorrow together but there's something I need to tell her beforehand" I ask worrying my hands subconsciously not wanting to be turned away but also worrying about whether Scarlet will accept who I am or be god forbid... frightened of me. Coughing to try to distract myself of my thoughts, I flick my eyes behind Jasper to try and look for Scarlet, only for Jasper to follow my gaze with his body, blocking me from looking behind him. My inner wolf growled, not happy at all that someone is keeping him from seeing his imprint, especially a leech. I stop myself from snarling, not realising that the leech in front of him can read his emotions, only seeing a small smirk spread across the leeches face. "Jas it's okay" I hear the angelic voice of my imprint coming closer, I try again to see behind Jasper and notice the tall figure of Bella's mind reader coming towards us with my petite imprint tugging him along... by the hand. I wanted to growl but for some reason my inner-wolf didn't, he felt almost...content - Knowing that this leech that I've hated no not strong enough despised would do anything to keep our imprint safe shocked me to the core. Shaking my head, not wanting to do anything that could scare Scarlet, I look towards Embry and Seth to see their reaction, Seth was as shocked as me but Embry for some reason didn't look surprised, almost like he's seen them close before or been given a reason to think otherwise 'I'll have to ask him about it afterwards' I think before my eyes were drawn back to Scarlet like a magnet and without meaning to a smitten smile crossed my face. She looked beautiful- almost a perfect match with the vampires beside her, but to me she was an angel.

"Scarlet" I sign subconsciously with a Goode's grin before I'm nudged by Embry in the side.. hard, I cough once to get myself under control - hearing snickers from Embry and Seth and Jasper's stoic broke a tiny bit to reveal a smirk to the mind reader almost like he can feel what I'm feeling before his face goes back to blank when facing myself and my pack brothers but not before sending Scarlet a small smile her way, almost to encourage her. "Hi Jacob, this is a surprise" Scarlet whispers with a smile stepping past Jasper before a shock laugh bursts from her when Embry pulled her into a bear hug "hi to you too Em" she squeezes back but I notice she didn't let go of The mind readers hand even when he gently tried to get out of her grip but tightened when Scarlet had an almost death grip on his hand 'I wonder' I think, shocking myself when I no longer wanted to growl. Focusing back on Scarlet and Embry, I knew adorably, Embry noticed the same thing and gentle settled herself back on the ground before she turned to Seth. "Hi, I don't think we've had the chance to meet, I'm Scarlet" holding out her hand that was free, Seth shook it enthusiastically with a childish grin "I'm Seth, the youngest pack brother" Seth blabbed and I looked an Embry with a panicked look when Scarlet said confused "Pack brother?" Tilting her head adorably, "what's that?" She asked gently to Seth, bewildered, never having heard that phrase. Seth realising what he said look at me with a guilty, almost desperate look. I sign but look back at Scarlet "Okay, admittedly not how I wanted this conversation to start, but I came here to tell you. Please, just keep an open mind, this might come as a shock" seeing the muddled look on Scarlets face I just went for it "Scarlet, myself and the boys, we are not normal - better yet, we're not fully human" seeing the shock settling in to her face, I look towards Embry and we subconsciously say together "We are werewolves". I guess I shouldn't of been shocked when Scarlet...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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