Chapter 17

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Jasper's POV

"How could I of not noticed her scent before?" I say at loud not expecting a reply. Looking back at scarlet I couldn't help a fond smile spreading across my face. 'She must not remember me' I think to myself 'she was only a child then' Edward's head quickly turn round to me after hearing that thought. I couldn't help the wince at all the emotions coming from him, shock,upset,slight happiness but the last two really shocked me possessiveness, jealously. 'Why would he be feeling that way when he has Bella' I couldn't help but think. Edward slowly shakes his head, feeling confused himself. Looking back at Scarlet, I feel myself start to stand, feeling a pull to be in Scarlets life. Just knowing she will make the Cullen's family better, just being... her. I start to glide over when I felt a delicate hand on my arm, turning around I see Alice's beautiful face showing how worried she was and felt. I smile gently at her and project my emotions towards her and couldn't but grin at the almost shocked look on her face especially because it's near impossible to take her by surprise. I quickly kiss her cheek before finally walking over to Rosalie and Scarlet's table to see them giggling to each other before I clear my throat.

Scarlet's POV

Turning round after hearing a throat being cleared, I look up to see if I can remember correctly Jasper, Rosalie's twin brother. "What are you doing here Jasper" I hear Rose hiss quietly almost like she didn't want me to hear. "It's alright Rose" Jasper looked shocked at Rosalie's nickname being used "I'll love to meet the rest of your family" I say smoothly with a cheeky grin towards Rosalie "I know how much you love to share" I full out laugh at the little scowl Rose sends me not noticing Rose, Jasper and the rest of the Cullen's smile softly at the angelic sound. Before hearing a scoff coming from the Cullen's table to find Bella glaring at Scarlet as if she made a huge offensive against her. Jasper couldn't help the deep growl coming from his chest, giving a glare of his own towards Bella. "Are you alright there Jasper" I ask seeing a not so happy look come across his face. As fast as lightening his head shot back to my face making me smile to see his face softening a bit "would you like to sit down, I've just been getting to know your sister, she's absolutely lovely and can't believe all the horrible things people have been saying about her. She's a sweetheart" I comment.

Jasper's POV

I let out a loud booming laugh, which made everyone turn their heads in the canteen seeing that no one has heard so much as a peep from me seeing as I always had to hold my breath around everyone, because scarlet was so excited she didn't realise how fast she was speaking and if we weren't vampires even we wouldn't be able to follow what she was saying. 'God she hasn't changed a bit' I think to myself my smile turning a bit sad at seeing how much she has grown and seeing that she doesn't remember me but quickly shake away my thoughts to see Scarlet's cheeks begin to turn pink and couldn't help but feel relief that her blood seems to soothe a vampires thirst rather than like Bella's where I just want to rip out her throat 'and not just because of her scent' I couldn't stop myself thinking cruelly not sure how long he and the rest of the family can stand having to hear Bella's screeching voice talk about everything that's wrong with Bella. I scowled in Bella's direction again and couldn't help but think about how different Scarlet is compared to Bella. A beautiful swan compared to a ugly duckling. 'No wonder Bella's always jealous whenever Scarlet's around' I think to myself with a little almost proud smile.

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