Chapter 27

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Scarlet's POV

Arriving at the Cafe I couldn't help but squeal, looking over at Embry he looked like he was trying not to laugh "Oh haha, I know I'm acting girly, it's allowed...sometimes" I say sarcastically, that seemed to finally set Embry off since he was half on the floor because he was laughing so hard "Oh my Scar, the only thing girly about you is your clothing and your adorable little giggle, but that's why I love you... your my little tomboy sister" Embry says affectionately with a goofy grin. "I'm not that little, your just a mountain" I reply back with a pout but couldn't help breaking out into some just as big as Embry's. I half sprint to the cafe "Come on, come on, come onnnn slow pokes, I'm hungryyyy" I say dramatically with a giggle jumping up and down on the spot.

Embry's POV

Shaking my head with an affectionate smile remembering all the times Scarlet had said actually that when we were little 'It's nice that she hasn't changed' I think happily 'Wish I could say the same for myself' I couldn't help but retort back to my previous thought. Speeding up a little so I'm besides Scarlet I open the door for her and let her in before following. Looking at the menu, I already know what Scarlet was going to have since she never changed her order from when we first came here all those years ago.

Walking up to the counter I order "Please May I get 2 hot chocolates and marshmallows, 1 with extra whipped cream and sprinkles and knotted donut for the lady and an eclair for myself" I say to the cashier with a smile, winking in Scarlets direction with a cheeky smile when she pokes me with a smile of her own just knowing Scarlet was remembering all the times when we were younger and I alway ordered for the both of us before Scarlet even got the chance to open her mouth.

Once getting our order I pay the cashier before Scarlet could get her purse out of her bag and started carrying the tray towards our usual table which Thank God was free. Sitting down, I look over when Scarlets phone beeped letting her know that she has a new text message.

Scarlet's POV

Taking my phone out of my back pocket, I go to see who the sender was only for my phone to be taken out of my hands so fast I had to blink of couple of times to realise my phone wasn't actually in my hand anymore. Looking up confused I see a cheeky grin being sent at me from Embry and couldn't help shaking my head 'Just like old times' I think aspirated "Alright you, who's it from, can I at least know that" I say trying to act stern but my mouth was starting to twitch with me trying not to smile.

Embry's POV

"It's an unknown number, can I open it, can I, can I, can I, pleaseeee" I says excitedly. Scarlet looks at me with an exaggerated huff "Sure Embry, go right ahead, you were going to anyway" Scarlet says cheekily. "You know me too well" I says lightly "Damn straight I do and I love it, I know all your moves" Scarlet says with a grin. With a smirk of my own I look down at Scarlets phone in my hand and click on the message to see it's from...

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