Chapter 57

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Jacob POV

Running in the woods outback of Embry's house, I could hear both Seth and Embry following close behind. Through the pack mind link I could hear them both wondering where we were going but following me willingly anyway. I couldn't help but grin inwardly and feel my love for my pack brothers grow more and more for how much faith they have in me to follow me without even knowing why. I could of easily have been bringing them somewhere dangerous but I know they'll have my back and they should know that I'll always have there's - no matter the situation. 'We're heading to Emily's, all this talk about Bella and who Scarlett is to me made me realise that no one else knows that I've found my imprint and that needs to end here - I can't wait for Scarlett to know about what we are, what I am and that she will be able to call my home hers and visa versa and I want to share it with the rest of the pack.' I think not being able to contain my excitement through our link, feeling extremely giddy that the rest of the pack will know who my amazing imprint is - even if some of them have already met Scarlett when she was younger through Embry. I felt a huge wave of jealously wash over me, just thinking about Embry having such a close friendship with my imprint and just knowing that if my younger self wasn't so infatuated with Bella, I could of had that type of friendship with Scarlett already - maybe even more, rather than just knowing my name and a few things about me from our in counter back at forks high school.

I could hear Embry behind me give a wolf version of a laugh which sounded more like a cross between a cough and a bark from hearing my thoughts, 'The past is in the past mate, there's no point you feeling jealous every time you think or hear of mine and Scars friendship together - it's not like it's going to change,' Embry thinks with a twinkle in his eye, I groan just knowing that Embry's going to use this to his advantage. Before I could made a comeback, Seth's thoughts hit me, 'Just think about the future Jake, you get to make all these new memories with your imprint rather than focusing on what you might of had if you did something differently. You should be focusing more on being the best person you can ever be for Scarlett rather than regretting choosing Bella when Scarlett wasn't even an option back then - we all make bad decisions in life, don't start making one with bringing Bella up each time - make the right decision for your own future and see where it leads you.' Seth thinks wisely, I'm almost shocked with how grown up his thoughts were but I couldn't help but think of how much Seth has had to go through to get to who he is today... having to deal with Leah not being the sister he has grown up with and loved when Sam broke her heart - even if he understands why Sam did it - Emily being his imprint and all but we all know Seth can't fully forgive Sam for how broken he made his sister, his father passing away and having our legends almost thrown at him - all that stress on one boy, and that's just it, Seth's still just a boy - our youngest shifter. I could feel pride bubbling up in my chest to know that even after everything Seth has been through, he's still the type of person to make sure everyone else is okay, and to always want to do the right thing.

Thinking about what Seth said I realised how true his words were - I'm so busy comparing Scarlett to Bella that I'm still keeping part of mine and Bella's friendship that we once had, close to my heart. But the Bella that was at my door this morning and leaving those text messages, isn't the girl I grew up with and it's time that I realised that and moved on to what I hope will be a more brighter future with my chosen one - I just need to focus on Scarlett and find out as much as I can about her through asking her myself rather than asking around or more importantly asking Embry - knowing how much he loves to tease me.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts of Scarlett and of the future we could have if I listened to Seth's advice. I sent a wave of warmth and comfort towards Seth, telling him how much his words meant to me. I couldn't be prouder to call him my pack brother. Seth made a grumbling noise next to me almost as if he was embarrassed, I nudged his shoulder with a bark like chuckle of my own before I focused back on where we were heading... almost there.

Running in wolf form has always been exhilarating and gives me the sense of freedom. Paws thundering against the forest ground, the wind whipping through my rusty brown coloured fur, the way my ears twitch and perk up at the sound of each and every wildlife that's around us scurrying along, looking for food- from birds, deers to small little insects that if you were only human you wouldn't be able to hear or even detect they were there unless you were outwardly looking for them. To being able to pick up all different types of scents - from the salty smell of the sea to one of Emily's home cooked meals - that always stops us in our tracks -unless we are on patrol, of what we are doing to rush down to hers as soon as possible or to what us quileute wolves were born to do, smelling and hunting down leeches, bloodsuckers or better known as vampires.

My thought track was cut off by Emily's house coming into view, knowing that's where the rest of the pack will be since it's our second home. I shake my head to rid of the anger I feel whenever a leech is meantioned or even thought about and head behind one of the many trees to transform back, quickly untying and putting my shorts on I wait for Embry and Seth to do the same before we head down Emily's drive way and reach her front door. I pause, hand raised towards the door, usually we wouldn't knock even if we are uninvited, one of Emily's many rules - my home is your own, but the reason we are here or more importantly the reason why I am here seems too important to treat it like any other time so I take a deep breath before knocking on the recently polished red door - knowing that every pack member inside knew we were out here and I could almost sense their confused emotions which was only confirmed two seconds later when Emily opened the door with a confused, almost worried look of her own only for her facial expression to change into a grin once she sees my face and I just knew she's already figured it out from seeing that exact facial expression on her own imprints face... one down, the rest of the pack and imprints to go - 'I'm looking forward to it' I think with a massive grin. Before stepping inside with Embry and Seth following me 'Here we go' I think before the rest of the pack come into view.

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