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Kaito’s POV

I’m currently keeping Kokichi in my dorm so he can favor me more than Shuichi, I know that sounds selfish but I don’t wanna die here, I wanna escape.

As I was thinking I heard crying. S*** What do I do? I have no idea how to take care of a crying baby. Wait.. I just need to think, what would Shuichi do? He always seemed to get Kokichi to stop crying. Well, Shuichi does pick him up a lot and that seems to get him to stop crying, I pick him up and he starts pushing me away. What the hell! Maybe he’s hungry.. But I can’t get him some because Shuichi and Makiroll are outside the dorm yelling and banging on the door.

“S-shu..” Kokichi mumbled.

Of course he wants Shuichi. Shuichi was hogging him so now he favors him and doesn’t want to be with everyone else. Great. Just Great. 

I put in my bed and left him there, as soon as I turned around I heard a thump and there was Kokichi. It seems he rolled off the bed and is running to the door, good thing he is too short to reach the door knob.

“Shu!” Kokichi yelled as he started banging on the door.

“Kaito! Let him out. He wants out!” Makiroll said, she seemed annoyed. Whatever, I want to live.

Then I heard the door click open. How the-

Then I saw Kokichi hanging on to the door knob.. He must’ve jumped, Maki and Shuichi both came running in.

Shuichi’s POV

The door opened and me and Maki ran into the dorm. I grabbed Kokichi who was hanging onto the door knob and Maki walked over to scold Kaito. Kokichi had tears running down his face.

“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Wanna explain what happened?”

He nods.

“H-he grabbed me when I was walking and t-told me I wasn’t allowed to leave until I-I favored him..” Kokichi mumbled out.

That is honestly horrible, why would Kaito do that to him. Kokichi is now only just a kid. Maybe I should take him to my dorm.. Or see if Maki wants to spend some time with him maybe?

“Hey Maki, you wanna spend some time with Kokichi?” 

“Nah, I’m good. Plus he really seems to like you, so I’d rather him be happy and not crying.” she says slightly smiling.

“Okay, I’ll be off to my dorm then.”

“Okay, see ya Shuichi.” Maki said, waving.

I started walking back to my dorm and then I heard the announcement.

“Everyone head to the gym, it is time for Kokichi to choose!”

Oh god..

I took Kokichi and walked to the gym. As we walked into the gym everyone was looking at me, some even glaring at me. I awkwardly waved at everyone and stood next to Maki, she was the only one who gave me somewhat of a welcoming smile. Then Monokuma pops up from the stage.

“Hey there boys and girls, and uh.. Child.. Anyways! It’s time for the Ultimate Supreme Leader to choose! Detective, bring him up here.” Monokuma said into the microphone.

I take Kokichi up to the stage, as I put him on the stage Monokuma hands Kokichi a microphone. He tried to eat it so Monokuma had to hold it for him.

“Okay little buddy, who do you choose?” Monokuma said, holding the microphone up to Kokichi. 

“S-shu!” Kokichi said as he pointed at me.

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