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Kokichi's POV

After for like a long time I finally got Shu's stupid door opened, I'm surprised I didn't wake him. I was kind of making a lot of noise, but whatever. As I walked out of the room I left the door slightly open so I could get back in, I looked around. Whoa.. it's so big! Or I'm just small.. eh, I'm going with it's big.

30 minutes later

After a really long time my legs were tired from walking, I would walk back to Shu's dorm but I have no idea where I am and I'm to tired.

No one's POV

Kokichi's legs were tired from walking a lot so he sat up against a wall to rest his legs. While Kokichi was sitting, Miu walked by him. As she saw him she walked up to him and sat next to him.

"Whatcha doin' vir- I mean-! kid..!" Miu said getting slightly embarrassed,

"M-my legs hurt, I dunno where am at."

"You walked too much? Fall? Wait, where's Shuichi? Isn't he suppose to be watching you?" Miu said looking at Kokichi, then looking around seeing if Shuichi was anywhere.

"I walk out of room, l-looked around legs hurt. Now lost,"

"So, Shuichi wasn't watching you..?"

"He asleep, me explore!" Kokichi said smiling.

"Oh boy, Shuichi is gonna have a surprise when he wakes up.." Miu mumbled. "Here. Since Shuichi is sleeping, and I'm guessing he still is.. I'll take you back to my dorm, how about that?" Miu said.

As Miu went to pick up Kokichi the announcement went off.

A body has been discovered

Miu's face paled, and Kokichi looked around confused, wondering what was going on and where the sound came from.

Miu's POV

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. No. No. No. No. No! Why would someone kill!? Especially when we have a child! What do I do? I would look pretty suspicious if I don't go to the body with everyone else, but I don't want Kokichi to see the body, he's too young for that.

I look around a sigh. I don't really have much of a choice.. I guess I could just cover his eyes. I sighed again and walked to where the body was.

As me and Kokichi got to where everyone was I looked around to see who was all there. Hm, everyone seems to be here.. except for Tenko and Shuichi.. did both of them get killed? I covered Kokichi's eyes as I looked at the body, it was Tenko.. is Shuichi still alive? Or is he dead somewhere else? A few minutes when by and Shuichi showed up, he looked rough. As he saw me he just stared me down. I gave him a weird look but then realized.

"You want him?" I said, still covering Kokichi's eyes.

He looked at me and Kokichi, then spotted the body.

"Uhm, you hold him. I wanna look at this." He said as he walked up to the body,

As he looked at the body he has a weird look on his face. I don't know if anyone else noticed but he looked.. excited? I don't wanna be here any longer, I exit the room with Kokichi still in my arms.

I walk into the kitchen and there's Kirumi, she's just making food.. like nothing even happened.

"Heyy Kirumi," I said trying to start up a conversation.

She quickly turns around surprised to see me. "Oh hi, Miu. You need anything?"

I just shake my head.

Kirumi nods and continues whatever she was doing. Just as our conversation ended Maki walked into the kitchen, she did not look happy.

"Please tell me one of you saw that." Maki said in a cold tone,

Kirumi turned around. "Saw what?"

"Shuichi's face when he looked at the body!" Maki said,

"What do you mean? He seemed normal, I guess." Kirumi said putting some things away,

Maki turns to me, "Miu?"

"What? About he looked uh.. excited? By the dead body?"

Maki's eyes widen. "Yes! That!"

Maki takes Kokichi from me and grabs my arm and takes me to her dorm.

"Okay, let's talk here." Maki said setting Kokichi down on the bed.

I then noticed some papers in Maki's hand.

"What are those?" I asked pointing at the papers.

"Oh, these are about our pregame selves, I already read through them"

"What was I like?" I asked,

Maki picks up a paper that has my name on it.

"Well, you had a low self esteem and very quiet. You and Kokichi were also close friends." Maki says simply,

I sat there in shock. "So me and Kokichi use to be friends? Before the game?"

Maki nods.

I looked over at Kokichi.

"What was Kokichi like?"

Maki gets Kokichi's paper. "He was very shy, never talked, couldn't tell a lie to save his life, and he got bullied. His only friends were me, you, and Kiibo."

I just nod.

Then Maki pulls out Shuichi's paper and hands it to me.

"I suggest you read this yourself, but warning. What you read here may shock you."

I just nod and slowly looking down at the paper.

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