20 - Kiersten

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Tonight's the night. Matt's first varsity home game. I've seen him play about a million times, but something about those Friday night lights makes everything seem more magical. The thrill, the suspense, the soft glow of the stadium lights, it's really something special. I get the warm fuzzies just thinking about it. I don't know if it's possible to feel nostalgic about something that hasn't happened yet, but it's how I'm feeling. The sunny memories of the past and rosy hope for the future blend into the present, creating a sunset kaleidoscope of happy feelings. Honestly, is there anything better than Friday nights in September?

I make good on my promise to go with Teddy to the game. I meet him at his house and the two of us walk down to the school together. We find a spot in the bleachers about three rows from the top. Even though it's still half an hour from kick-off the stands are pretty much packed. Give it another five minutes and the whole town will be here, I guarantee it.

We wait around talking for a bit while the bleachers fill up. Five minutes before kick-off, music blares through the speakers and pumps up the crowd. Everyone starts hootin' and hollerin' when the home team busts out of the locker room and runs out onto the field. I look around for Matt, but he gets lost among the sea of black and gold jerseys. I have to do a little dip and swerve maneuver to catch the slightest glimpse of the back of his helmet. I know it's his because it has a little rainbow unicorn sticker that Carrie gave him for good luck. Seriously, so cute.

"You excited to see your boy play tonight?" Teddy nudges me.

"My boy?" I scoff. "I think you mean Olivia's boy."

I realize once I say it that I sound way more jealous than I intended. I will admit I was surprised when he told me he was going to the dance with Olivia but believe me I am not jealous. I actually think they'd be good together. If you completely ignore the fact that they barely talk to each other and have absolutely nothing in common that is.

"He don't care about Olivia," Teddy laughs. "She ain't even here."

I look at Teddy with skepticism. It makes no sense. Matt's been vehemently anti-school dances for as long as I've known him. He outright said that he had zero intention of going. And he's never even talked about Olivia to me. I'm sure he would've told me if he had a crush on her, wouldn't he? Something must have happened to change his mind. These things don't materialize out of thin air. Did she confess her love for him and it made him realize that he likes her too? Had he been harboring these feelings for her all along and I didn't know about it? Was he too embarrassed to tell me? I need answers!

"Why'd he ask her to the dance then?"

Teddy chuckles at my question and a little half-smile creeps on his face.

"I think you know."

Okay, now I'm really confused. What am I missing here? Teddy is usually completely oblivious to our friend group gossip. It doesn't matter the situation, he's always the last to know. Whitney dyed bubble-gum pink streaks in her hair in the seventh grade and it took him 3 weeks to realize something was different. If it's obvious enough for even him to notice, why am I not seeing it?

"I don't."

"You'll figure it out."

I sigh and slump my shoulders in frustration. I don't know when Teddy became so secretive, but I don't like it one bit. I still want to know who he's been seeing behind our backs by the way. But one thing at a time.

"Orrr...you could tell me."

Teddy laughs and turns his attention back to the field.

"The game's startin'."

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