12: Reunited..? Or not...?

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Tubbo's POV:

"I- I thought you were dead."
"Oh you care?" He let out a maniacal laugh. "You never cared, so stop pretending."
"I do, you know that."
"Do I?"
"What are you doing?"

I was surprised no one had spoken. The chaos had died down a bit, it seemed no one was bothered by the tnt below our feet any more.  Everyone was fixated on Tommy and I.

"What does it look like." I stared at him. "No really, tell me. What do you think Mr President... Yeah exactly, stupid question."

He crossed his arms and stared round at the entire crowd. He looked like a badass. His hair had gone a darker blonde, there were scars littering his face and his clothes were ragged and torn

He sighed "I wish I had the time to tell you all about the horrible things Dream did to me during my exile, why I have done this but I don't. There isn't time."

He tapped his foot.

"Look I'm sorry" I cried out "I know I was wrong. Just... It was you or L'Manburg. He would of destroyed everything and you know that."

It seemed I said the wrong thing.

"You wanna know what else I know. If L'Manburg is destroyed, you can always try rebuild it. If a friend ship is destroyed..." he laughed to himself. "Well that's a different story cause you can't rebuild broken friendships. And that is why I am going to destroy this already broken nation. Beyond the point of repair. Just like our friendship.

"Tommy, please."
"I think I understand Wilbur now. He was right. L'Manburg was a mistake."
"You can come back home..."

We met eyes again.

"I don't have a home."
"I- I have Mellohi, I can get it out my ender chest!"

I placed down a chest and pulled out the familiar purple disc. At this point I was trying desperately to connect to my friend.

"Here, take it. It is yours after all."

I handed Tommy the purple disc.

Tommy tut, "Ahhh, the discs.. well that's a story innit. one of the few things many people cared about and do you know why."

I remained silent, I didn't like where this conversation was headed.

"Because if they could get it, they could cause me pain!" Tommy was beaming.

I was shocked. He was right, people wanted the disc so that the could control Tommy.

"That's true? Yeah I know, they wanted my discs so they could use me. Well I don't give a shit anymore." He tossed the disc onto the floor. "Take it, one of you. I don't need it!"

I watched it spin round on the floor before looking up at the boy. Surely he wasn't completely gone!

No one moved.

"Where's Dream- Oh wait, never mind. He's gone isn't he."
"How do you know that?" Someone spoke out.
"I was there when it happened." He shrugged. "I was pretty surprised you were so bothered."

He stared at Techno and Phil.

"Of course we-"
"You weren't when I was in exile. Thinking about it, none of you ever cared!"

He was silent and looked around. "That was a lie, none of you cared, except for one."

I shuffled my feet awkwardly staring at the ground.

"Oh that reminds me; Exile. The crappy thing about betrayal is it doesn't come from your enemies, it comes from the people you love."

Tommy met my eyes again. His hard gaze softened.

"Tubbo, listen. As much as I want to hate you... I can't. But that doesn't mean we can ever be the same again."

He sat down over the edge and swung his legs. He pat the ground beside me, signalling he wanted me to sit there.

I sat and stared down at the nation I had tried so hard to rebuild and it was disappearing before my own eyes. Tommy's back was slumped as he looked over the destruction.

"I still love you Tommy."
"I'm sorry Toby, I know you cared about this place. More then you ever did for me." He looked at me, there were tears spilling out of his eyes. "But I can't bare to live in this world where I've done  this to you all. I've done what was needed to be done."

The boy sat before me had been through so much pain. So much more than anyone before him. Everyone was staring at us, but I didn't care.

"I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT. I HAVE NOTHING. I HAVE NO ONE." He pulled his own hair and stood up.

Everyone was taken aback by this outburst. 

"You have me-"

Tommy looked round at everyone, locking eyes with everyone. I stared down at the growing crater, and saw Tommy's feet move closer to me.

"Toby look up at me."

His voice was eerily calm, it left a strange chill in the air. I looked up and stared at my former best friend in the eyes.

"Kill me Toby."
My breath hitched, I was hoping for someone to step in and help me. "I can't Tommy."

He continued as if he hadn't heard what I had said previously. I looked round at my friends, pleading them to help.

"NO." He swung round. "None of you are taking this away from me. I will be heard this time, I've been cut down one too many times. I've been told to stop, be quiet and listen to the adults. None of you have anything on me."

He looked back at me.

"Push me off the edge, lets bring this story to an end."
"I don't want the story to end Tommy!"

I grabbed his shoulders, he smiled and opened his arms for a hug. I openly accepted it.

He whispered into my ear, his were breaths shaky but his voice steady "All stories must come to an end Toby, it's just a matter of when and how."

I didn't want to let him go, I had gone to long without my other half. He patted my head and I sighed.

I dropped my arms after what felt forever and we parted.

Tommy then saluted and stepped backwards off the edge.

The destruction of L'Manburg - Tommyinnit Villain AUWhere stories live. Discover now