21: They care

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There are tons of POV changes in this chapter 

Trigger warnings: word repetition, insanity, weird fonts

Ranboo's POV:

I was waiting for Skeppy to get Bad a bit further away from the egg. I panicked when I watched him fall forwards into a lava pool, but the obviously exaggerated scream, calmed me.

They began to walk away and I ran the opposite direction to where the wall was where Sapnap and Tommy should be waiting. I felt my heart pick up speed as I approached the egg.

I walked around it and into the corner where the tunnel led to. I knocked against the wall.

"Guys, I'm opening the wall, Skeppy and Bad are distracted."

I mined the blocks keeping us apart and smiled, glad to see they had made it through safely.

I noticed Tommy's eyes were a bit red and puffy.

"Has he been crying?"

I kept my curiosity to myself as we had way more important things on our hands.

"Mine Karl out of the obsidian, we'll cover for you.
"But you said you'd protect Skeppy!" Sapnap glared at me.
"I've used up the last of my invisibility and besides, I don't think Bad is gonna hurt him."

Sapnap's POV:

I crouched down and boosted Tommy up the egg. We watched him carefully scale up the deadly egg, while also glancing around.

I'm not really the religious type, that's more Karl's thing, but I was praying on any God that was left, that Punz and Ponk would stay oblivious to what was happening.

(If you know, you know ;) ^^^)

Karl's POV:

It hurt.

There was a voice, slowly flooding my mind.

It told me terrible things.

What it'd do to everything I love.

I thought of my friends.

Had they been caught?

Or did they just not care about me anymore?

It's breaking me, what the heck am I thinking.

They care.

They care.

They care.

They care.

They care.

They care.

They care?

They care?






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There was a blinding light.

An the insanity stopped.

The voice poured out  of me, like water going down the sink of a drain.

My vision was blurred.

Yet I still I recognised the blurry mess.

Tommy's POV:

I mined the obsidian and pulled him out. I shook him, but he didn't answer. I naturally panicked. I passed him down to Sapnap as Ranboo helped me down.

Sapnap held him in his arms as he gently tried to shake him awake.

"Babe, please answer me.. please I can't loose you."

Karl had his eyes opened but was staring into space. It was almost like he was dead,

"Quackity would kill me if you die under my protection." He laughed.

It seemed hearing the name helped him. His eyes focused on the ceiling.

"Where is he?"
"Karl? Karl, it's me, Sapnap! Can you-"
"Sapnap..." Karl's eyes focused finally on Sapnap's.

And he smiled. And the tears came too his face. Sapnap hugged the weak body and kissed his forehead.

"Thank goodness.. thank goodness!"

I looked at Ranboo, while Sapnap was busy comforting his fiance.

"It's time to end this."
"You have to move quickly; as soon as it is has been hurt, it will call for protection."

I nodded hastily. I pulled out the axe I was going to use. Ranboo convinced Sapnap to let Karl lay down for a minute.

 "Are we ready?" I grimaced.

"Do it." Sapnap snarled. "Kill it, I want it dead."

I swung the axe back and-


C   H   O   P

I heard a small cry of pain, and assumed it came from the egg.

"Too far gone to turn back now..."

The destruction of L'Manburg - Tommyinnit Villain AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora