15: Ranboo?

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Ranboo's POV:

I'm glad that Tommy's back. I knew that people were gonna bombard him with questions so I decided to get there early. Before everyone else.

I knocked gently on his door. Yeah it was early, but there's no way he could've slept after last night. After a few minutes I knocked again.

"It's Ranboo, I don't know if you want to talk to me after-"

His door swung open and he grabbed my arm and pulled me in.

"Hey Tommy, did you sleep well."
"Nah, not really." he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.
I nodded, "Suspected as much. I just wanted to come by and check on you. Today's gonna be rather awkward, isn't it."
"Yeah definitely."

He let go of  my arm and flopped backwards onto his bed.

"Ranboo, you're the exact person I needed to talk to."
"What do you mean?"
"Do you have any more invisibility, I used mine visiting that secret person."
"Yeah, here you go."

I passed him one of the potions and he nodded to me in thanks.

"Drink one and take my hand."

I did as he asked. I drank the contents of the small glass vial, whilst Tommy took my hand in his. He drank his and lead me out the door. He lead me back to L'Manburg, to which I wasn't surprised, but when we knocked on the door of Karl Jacob's house, I was.

"What are we doing here?"

His door opened and he looked around.

"Karl, it's me. I've brought Ranboo."
He opened his door wider to let us in, "I have some milk in the fridge."

I drank the milk and looked around. I had never been in his house before, it was small but homely.

"Mind telling me why we had to sneak here- and for that matter, why are we here?"

They proceeded to tell me everything. Most of it shocked me, and if it was coming from anyone else, it's likely I wouldn't of believed them.

"So wait, could you tell me the plan once more." I asked.

I grabbed my memory book and a quill. Karl spoke slower so I could write this out.

"Tonight, we're gonna pay a visit to the Crimson Egg. We'll be testing how it affects us."
Tommy added, "No one can know that you've spoken to us. It could put the mission in serious jeopardy."
"Right." I nodded, scrawling the last bit down. "Anything else I need to know."
"Uhhhh... Oh yeah!" Karl exclaimed. "How could we forget. We'll need to use the gear from Church Prime, and bathe in the water before and after."
"Ok, I got it."

I read through all the notes I had taken, correcting a few spelling mistakes here and there.

Tommy and I went our separate ways as if nothing had happened.

"This is gonna be exciting."

Tubbo's POV:

I opened my eyes and quickly got dressed.

"We have to find Ranboo. As soon as possible."

I rushed around Fundy's base. Quackity and I had to stay here, seeing as our homes were blown up.

I woke them up and within 10 minutes we were all ready to leave.

"As soon as any of us find him, send a message."

They all agreed and we split our different ways. We decided I was going to be the one to check Techno and Phil's home, as we were pretty sure that is where he's been staying lately.

It was a long journey but I got there without any major setbacks. I ran to the house, noticing the expansions.

"Tubbo? What are you doing here?"

I tuned around and was met with Phil.

"Hey Phil, have you seen Ranboo anywhere recently?"

I was upset that they blew up L'Manburg, but there were more important things at hand.

"Uhhh, I dunno. I haven't seen him all morning, I'll ask Techno."
"Don't bother Phil."

I heard the enderman's voice and quickly looked around.

"Thanks for the help Phil. I need to talk to you." I grabbed Ranboo's hand and led him away from Phil.
"Breakfast is in an hour Ranboo!" Phil called after him before shrugging and walked back to his house.

I dragged him almost out of view from the snow house, while typing to Quackity and Fundy.

"Tubbo, what are you doing?" He snickered.
"I need you to be honest."
"When was the last time you spoke to Tommy?"
He stumbled on his words, "When L'Manburg was blown up..."

I nodded, in a sort of relief. Ranboo seemed confused.

"Tubbo why do you ask?"
I sighed, "Next time Tommy talks to you, I need you to report back to me."
He nodded, "Ok... are you feeling alright?"
"Yes, yes!"

I dropped his arm, shortly waved to him and pearled away to get back to the nether portal, all while messaging Quackity and Fundy our next move.

Ranboo's POV:


Staring at the snow, I walked back home trying to process what Tubbo was trying to do.

"So he must've taken an invisibility and listened into Karl's and Tommy's conversation last night."

I was lost in my mind, piecing together my thoughts when I felt myself collide with someone.

"Oh, sorry Ranboo."

Techno outstretched his hand and helped me up.

"No it's my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going."
"Alright." Techno shrugged.

Despite it being terribly cold, I lay back down in the snow and thought back the events of the past hour.

"I'll have to warn Karl and Tommy that there are people onto us."

I leapt onto my feet and strode to the portal, ready to deliver the news to them.

SO SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN POSTING!!! School's been a real pain in the ass lately. If you're following me, you would've seen the updates. Sorry it's kinda short, but I'll make up with another chapter hopefully really soon. STAY SAFE GUYS, Luv y'all! <33

The destruction of L'Manburg - Tommyinnit Villain AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن