Chapter Ten

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Hot water become cold and I don't want to get out the bathroom, sadness and afraid of his actions are playing over and over inside my head. I hear Nick knocks on the door asking me if I'm okay. I ignore him and take towel to cover me and step out to the bed.

"I'm okay, Nick" I answer him while grabbing his shirt to get dress real quick and open the door after.

He smiles.

"Thank you," is all I can say by his charming.

"What do you want to eat for dinner?" He asks, "or do you want to order something?"

I shake my head no, "I will cook for us."

Nick rolls his eyes and walks to the kitchen with me following him. I'm thinking about the dish that I want to cook, but first I need to check the ingredients.

"No, you take a seat and lemme cook for you." He gestures me to sit, "you are welcome to watch me cooking."

I can't decline his wishes so I take a seat and watch him preparing the ingredients. He looks at me smiling and winking at me. My laughing is echoing in the kitchen. He's hilarious plus a pro cook, I guess.

"I can help you though" I try. He waves his hand telling to stay still. I sigh and give up.

He made pasta with chicken and some vegetables. We ate all the dish that he prepared, and I insisted to clean. He told me to watch with him after cleaning. Well, so far everything goes well. Even though sometimes sadness creep out but I shove it away and focus myself on cleaning or other busy things.

Nick turns on Netflix and looking for horror movie. "Do you fans of horror?" He watches me from his shoulder for a while and focus on TV in second.

"No, let's watch funny movie instead" I say as I walk towards him to take a seat next to him.

He hums and begin to search the keyword. "What about 'the small foot' this is animation movie seems great though" he suggests.

"Okay, let's give it a try"

"Yeah, why are you afraid horror movie?"

"Not that I'm afraid, I just can't sleep after watching horror" I explain.

He laughs, "that's called afraid."

I pout my lips and punch him lightly on his arm.

He takes both his hands in the air, surrender.

I laugh with him. I don't know why I'm very comfortable with him even only talking to him once in the canteen. That's really not me. I usually took days to get to know people and months to be close with them. We are just click right away.

I watch him laughing through the movie and talking something about it. I don't pay too much attention to the movie as I already watched it before. I take a ship the lemon tea and place it on the table then focus watching again until I don't realize anything, asleep.


My alarm is ringing in the loudest sounds ever. I gasp and look around, I'm in the room. As far as I can remember, I watched movie with Nick and not remembering moving to the guest room. Did I fall asleep and he had to carry me to the bedroom? How embarrassing!.

I grumpily slide over the bed and go to the bathroom to take a shower, as last night I did laundry my clothes, I don't have to go home to get change. I take a quick shower because the water is damn cold, like ice. I change and put light make up and put my hair on ponytail.

Take a quick glance at the watch on the wall, five thirty. Early morning. Hope Mr. Nicholas is still sleeping so I can at least make breakfast for him before I leave for university. My class today is at ten so I have plenty of time to find books for literature assignments.

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