Chapter 29

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The sunlight filled the room through the window, alarm seemed off or maybe I didn't hear its loud sound. I feel warm, the sun really do good job to make me warm in the morning. A hand on my stomach, is it Nicholas' hand? Yes. Did he spoon me when I slept? Yes.

I move his hand slower than a snail on the track. This way will not wake him up right. But no, he's awake as soon as I moved his hand. His breath is warm on my back, his morning voice sounds sexy.

"Good morning princess!" He places his hand on my waist once again before I turn my body to see him.

I smile welcoming his greeting. His long eyelashes catches my attention. I found myself playing with his eyelashes slowly. His smile plastered on his morning face, he holds my hand from touching with his eyelashes then place a kiss on my forehead.

My cheeks are flushing red by his kiss, I move my hand to cover my cheeks but he catches them quickly. "I love to see your blushing cheeks. Don't hide them." He says with a bright smile.

"It's embarrassing."

"No, come here." He moves my body closer to his, my head resting on his wide and warm chest. His hands lingering me tightly, one more time he kisses my forehead before saying, "I wish we could have done this sooner."

"I knew." I reply in a simple answer.

He humming something that I can't understand.

"My mom will be mad if she sees us sleeping together without marriage. You know my family is a strict family." I tell him without realizing what will he catch from my statement.

"Then let's get married." His quick answer made me gasp in shocked. Married? I didn't think about marriage yet. I'm still studying yet in second year.

"Umm that's still need a long time to achieve." I say hopefully he will understand.

"You don't have to drop your study or anything you want to achieve. We can get married and you still can do your plan." He says confessing me to get married with him.

"Are you sure?" I draw a circle on his chest, "I meant married life is totally different with our life now. More responsible and need a huge understanding for our partner."

"I am sure we are ready for that life."

"You know my parents split up week ago?" He nods and I continue, "mom and Hanna still need time to figure out their next life without figure husband and father." I look up to see his face. He doesn't show any doubt but a confidence face.

"Your mom is in London. Also I'm still studying in second year plus the important thing is you're literally my professor now. There's a rule that....." He cut me off knowing I would tell him more excuses to delay the marriage.

"I will talk to the head master about this marriage purpose, whatever his decision I will take it. If he says I can't continue then I will drop it off." He says in confident tone.

"Alright if you sure about this. But I will keep continue my study and another plans." He agrees with my conditions. "We should tell my family and yours as well. Then we can continue the next step of this marriage plans." My words ended with a kiss on his chest.

He moves up my chin. His lips move in gentle to find mine. Once his lips against mine, I can feel his soft lips and he tastes like mint.


Nick and I decided to spend the rest of the day after university at his house, cuddling, chatting, planning, and dreaming like a teenager talking about their dream life. He drove me home before my sleep time and told me that he'll pick me up tomorrow morning to go to the university.

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