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I didn't know how long I'd been in this place for or how long it'd been since I'd been taken to meet Eric.

Time seemed inconsequential in the dark dungeon where they fed me just enough to keep me alive but not have energy to do anything and greedy rodents scampered about.

The smell in there was choking and I still hadn't gotten used to it after being there for so long. Stale sweat, rotting things, and the God knows what else.

Some of my cold soup dribbled onto my dress as I brought the spoon to my mouth. My beautiful navy blue dress that had made me feel so pretty was unrecognizable now. Ripped and filthy, it looked nothing like it did on Christmas day.

That whole time felt light years away. Grey, the dinner, my friends, I felt sad remembering them but I didn't cry. I had long exhausted my tear ducts.

I hadn't expected to be here for this long. I didn't think it would take Grey this long to find me. But then I didn't know how long I'd been gone for...for all I knew, it had only been a day or two.

The door the dungeons clanged open and the place was flooded with light. They had come for the plates. I hadn't finished my soup so I hurriedly scooped the rest into my mouth and dropped the plate beside the door.

I pushed the disgusting concoction down my throat and retreated to the corner of my cell to sleep. That's what I spent most of my time doing, sleeping. It was an escape. It was bliss to escape reality for a little while, especially my reality.

The jangle of keys and the clicking if my padlock unlocking jerked my eyes open. Curt was at my cell door. This was the first time anybody had come for me since that first day.

I watched him from the corner as he removed the padlock and slid the heavy metal bars open. I didn't move so he came in and jerked me up by my arm.

I was weak so I was much easier and lighter to handle than the last time he had come to get me.

He marched me down and out of the dungeons. We got in the same elevator as before but this time he punched the button for the second floor. I wasn't going to meet Eric?

We waited in silence as the box moved up and got out when it stopped. This floor was a bit different from the third floor, not by a lot but there were subtle changes. Instead of marble floors, there were plain ceramic tiles, there was a vase with flowers in it, and there were a lot more doors.

Curt stopped at one and pushed it open without knocking. There were four women inside who were obviously expecting us.

"Sam, you look lovely today as usual"

I jumped a bit when Curt spoke. Curt could speak??? I looked up at him and he was actually smiling.


One of the ladies who I assumed was Sam came forward, determinedly avoiding Curt's eyes and trying not to smile.

"Hi Miss. We've received instructions for you. If you'd please step this way..." Sam said.

Curt released me and I followed her directions.

"We can take care of her sir" Sam said, grimacing and looking pointedly at Curt.

His smile dropped and he nodded once before going out of the room.

I wonder what the story between them was...because there was definitely a story.

Sam led me to another door and opened it revealing a bathroom.

"Alpha requested the total package ma'am so that begins with a bath" Sam explained.

Luna Grace [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant