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"No! What are you talking about? How could they die!"

"We were ambushed. I'm sorry but they were just too many an-"

"You don't know what you are talking about." I shook my head, backing away "He doesn't know what he's talking about"

They were all looking at me like I was some wounded pup or something. I needed to get out of there.

I took off running, shifting and shredding my clothes in the process once I was out of the door. I raced towards the woods.

My father, my brother. They weren't people I really liked. Okay to be honest, I detested them but-

I didn't want them to die. Mum was going to be devasted and I knew I was a huge coward for not making sure I was there to comfort her when she heard.

I slowed down when I recognised where I was. I was at the corner before Gracie's house. I didn't know how I had gotten there but now, I could see her house in the distance.

I trotted slowly towards it, making sure to keep in the shadows. It was pretty late and very few people were awake but I still had to be careful.

Exactly, Gracie was most definitely asleep. What in the world was I doing here?!

The light in her room was still on. Was she awake? What was she doing up so late?? Is she okay????

I raced up the tree and tried my best to hide myself in the trees. It wasn't easy but thankfully, my fur was midnight black so I melted into the darkness easily.

Gracie was sitting at her table. Did she spend her whole time there?? She didn't seem to be reading anything this time, though. She was just staring blankly at the wall, her head in her hands.

What was she thinking about? Me?

You wish.

My hearing was extremely good as a wolf, even better at night when the town wasn't so noisy. I heard her sniff and then dab her eyes with a tissue.

She was crying??!?!

My wolf growled. Neither of us liked the idea of our mate crying. Who the fuck hurt her?!

I almost jumped into her room hearing her sniffle again but I remembered I was still in wolf form.

A black, giant wolf paying her a visit at night probably wouldn't go down well with her.

I didn't realise I was growling so loud until Gracie's head suddenly snapped to the window.


I didn't have enough time to hide so she was looking right. At. Me.

She squinted and then stood up and walked over to her window, all the while not taking her eyes off me.

What the hell do I do??!?

She stood there for a few seconds, staring at me, her mouth dropped open a bit and...then she.....shut the window and drew her curtains.

Well... That was.... anticlimactic.

I honestly didn't expect the reaction. I didn't expect her to invite a wolf in for a cup of tea but I at least expected her to scream, throw things at me.

I mean...she just saw a big black wolf outside her window, staring at her and...what did she do?

She shut her window.

What if I was a bad were?? A window couldn't stop me if I wanted to hurt her. Why didn't she call for help??
Does my mate want to get killed?! Who does that!!?


I could still see her shadow in front of the curtains. She hadn't moved. She stood there for a long time before she finally put her light off.

Well, time to get back to reality.

I hoped down from the tree and began walking home. I didn't hurry; what was the use? People were dead, there was nothing good to meet at home.

The night was oddly still beautiful. I didn't know what I expected, for the clouds to turn grey and rain start pouring down because my father died?


I got clothes from one of the trees around our house and once again thanked whoever's idea it was to keep clothes in the forest for emergencies.

After getting dressed, I took a deep breath and opened the door.

With my wolf hearing, I had heard the chaos from a mile off. My mother was sitting on the floor screaming and thrashing while the people around her were trying to comfort her and at the same time avoid a kick to the shin.

"Mum" she stopped immediately she heard my voice.

"Grey" she stood up. "Did you hear?"

I nodded.

She started coming towards me. Her face was shiny with tears and sweat and her hair was all over the place.

"It can't be true. Right, Grey. It is not true. He isn't dead, right?"

"Mum" my voice cracked. It hurt me to see her like this.

She put her hands on my shoulders, looking up at me "It's not true. Tell me it's not true, Grey!! Abel is NOT dead!"

"Mum, please" it came out barely a whisper. She broke down and began crying again. "Come on, it's late. Let me get you to bed."

She allowed me to pull her without protest; up the stairs and into her room.

"Just lie down, mother." She obeyed, collapsing onto her bed.

"It's not true, it's not true" she kept muttering.

"Shhhh...just close your eyes for a minute"

"Just a minute" she whispered

I stayed until her breathing became steady. She looked exhasted. She adored my father for whatever reason. I really didn't know how she was going to cope without him.

I might have hated him but the entire pack relied on him.

What was going to happen now?

Yeah so, his father's dead.
What is going to happen now.

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