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Gracie spun around to face her father. He stood in her doorway staring at her. Gracie's face was contorted in pain and fear. It angered me that her father scared her this much.

I wondered what he did/does to her to instill type of fear in her. I mean, with the look on her face, I wouldn't be surprised if she started peeing on herself right there.

I really wanted to jump on him and do something, anything, that would make that fear go away.

"Who were you talking to in here?" Her father asked.

Oh right. Me? Well I was outside, in the tree. I had jumped here before her father saw me but from Gracie's body language, I knew she thought I was still in the room.

She looked behind her at that point and I saw her shoulders sag in relief when she didn't see me.


"Uh is not an answer" he cut her off.

"I was praying."

He looked at her for a few more seconds before deciding that he believed her. "Okay, get your Bible. Let's start on the passage."

I decided that was my cue and jumped down from the tree.


Thankfully, the passage was something I'd done on my own before, so I breezed through my father's questions.

I exhaled when he said goodnight and left my room.

I'd never in my life been as relieved as I was when I realised Grey had somehow gotten out of my room before my father saw him. I still wondered how he did that so fast.

Did he jump out of the window??

I ran to the window and looked out. Nope. I felt relieved and sad at the same time.

Relieved that if he had jumped that he wasn't laying there, hurt and sad that he wasn't there meaning he had probably left.

I turned away from the window and decided to get ready for bed. At least I would see him in school tomorrow.

I didn't know what it was but something made me want to be near him; or at least see him a lot.


My heart jumped into my throat as I turned. "Oh my gosh! Grey! You scared me!"

I was scared but I also felt like shouting for joy that he was here.

It was quiet for a few seconds as we looked at each other.

"Hi" I said, suddenly feeling shy.

"Hi" He smiled "Sorry for scaring you"

Yeah because I was really mad about that.

"Sit down" I led the way; and by way, I meant the 20cm, to my bed.

We both sat down and then neither of us spoke. The room started to feel smaller.

I was in my room with a boy.

I was alone in my room with a boy.

I was alone in my room with a boy!!

Grey was just staring at the ground.

"Are- are you okay?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, yeah." He paused then laughed. "No, I'm not really okay"


"What happened?"

"My- uh, my father and my brother died."

All the things I was expecting, I wasn't expecting that.

Worse, I didn't know what to do.

"I'm sorry." I whisper

I've never known how to comfort people and situations like this usually just made me feel really awkward.

I did feel awkward but for the first time, I wanted to try. I wanted to make him feel better.

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault and my father wasn't really a good man."

Now I felt awkward-er.


"It's just, sure he wasn't good. He was manipulative and selfish but-" he sighed "he was still my father."

I understood him completely. I might not understand why my father does most things that he does but I still would die if anything happened to him.

"I'm-" I was about to say I was sorry before I remembered what he said. I decided to be honest. "I don't know what to say"

He looked at me, his eyes were slightly red as if he was trying really hard to hold himself back from crying. "You don't have to say anything, Gracie. Just being here with you is okay"

He looked back at the floor. "And Jared. Now Chloe's alone and they're saying that I'm the new alpha but I don't want to be the alpha you know? I know my father didn't want me to be-"

He suddenly looked at him and his eyes widened. What in the world was he talking about??


He looked really scared now though. I didn't think he meant to say all that to me. So I did the next logical thing.

I hugged him.

He was overwhelmed. I couldn't imagine losing both a parent and a sibling at the same time, that was probably what was making him say rubbish.

I felt him sniffing my hair again. What was with that?? Each time he was close to me, he took a deep breath in my hair.

He slowly relaxed into me and put his arms around me.

We stayed like that for a few minutes before he released me.

"Thank you" he said, his eyes soft.

"For what?"

"For being you."

He leaned in close and my heart started racing.

He's going to kiss me.

Is he going to kiss me??

He hovered right in front of my face for a few seconds, his warm breath tickling my nose.

And then he shifted his head up and kissed my forehead.

He walked over to my window and swiftly got onto the tree branch.

"Goodnight" he said, before going into the darkness.

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