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I was six when my parents taught me about addiction. I had gotten a bag of assorted candy from somebody as a birthday present and I had wanted to eat as many as possible that day and they had stopped me.

I was sat on my bed as they explained to me that people got addicted to things when they had too much of them. And what would addiction lead to? Well with candy, it would lead to rotten teeth, but with material things, it would lead to greed.

And greed was a sin.

They said it so seriously that I promised myself at that moment that I would never get addicted to anything.

But as Grey's soft lips landed on mine, I knew I was going to break that promise.

Worse, I wasn't sorry.

He was gentle, never rushing, as if we had all the time in the world.

Needless to say, it was my first kiss and right at that moment, I felt much closer to Grey. I didn't want to leave his side which is why when he slowly pulled away, I couldn't stop a whine from escaping from my throat.

"I'm sorry" he paused and sighed, running his hand through his hair, something I've noticed he only does when he's nervous or distressed "I'm really not. I've wanted to do that for a while. Are- are you mad at me?"

Was I? I felt like I should be. He had just kissed me, something that would probably make my father's head explode if he found out.

But....I wasn't. I felt calm, I felt...happy.

So, I did the next logical thing and pulled his lips back on mine.

"I guess that's a no on being angry then" Grey chuckled as we separated and I felt heat creep into my cheeks.

"You're even cuter when you blush" he smiled, putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into him.

I rested my head on his shoulder as we looked down at the town.

"Why did you bring me up here? I thought we were having lunch."

"Yeah but then you were getting so jealous with Lucy around that I realised it would be best to get you out of there pronto." He laughed.

"I wasn't jealous!"

"Sure you weren't. Don't worry I'm worse when it comes to you though."

I suddenly remembered the night before and sat up.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

But then thinking about it now made me feel as if I was overreacting. I had probably imagined the eyes and dog-like creature. I was tired after such a long day. I bit my lip debating whether or not to tell Grey.

"Gracie?" He was peering at me with concern.

"Yes? No. Nothing's wrong. It's just-" what if he didn't believe me? What if he just thought I was a freak?? "Okay this might sound crazy and I might have just imagined it because I was really tired after going to the lake and everything and I might have just been seeing things and-"

"Gracie, calm down. Just say it."

I took a deep breath "I was about to draw my curtains yesterday and I think I saw something outside. It looked kind of like a dog but it was bigger and it had yellow eyes. I was still trying to get a better look when your text came in and by the time I looked back, it was gone."

"What! Why are you just telling me this!" Grey suddenly yells, standing up.

And I was thinking I overreacted.

"It's not that serious. I most probably imagined it or it was really just a dog."

But he wasn't listening to me "Fuck, fuck! You could have been hurt. You should have called me immediately! You could freaking have been hurt! Fuck!"

What in the world was he going on about?? Why was he so bothered about a dog.

I got up too. He was pacing and running his hands through his hair over and over. I went over to him and grabbed his hands.

"It was all the way downstairs and all the doors of the house were locked and I locked my window after. Besides, dogs can't open doors...or windows."

"It wasn't a dog, don't you get it?! It was a-" he suddenly stopped.

"It was a what?"

He takes his hands back and runs them through his hair again. "I don't know. I don't know but it could have been dangerous."

I remembered the headline of the paper my first morning in this town. Something about strange things in the woods. "Do you think- Are you thinking that it was one of those things that they say are in the woods?"

"Yes. No. Kind of. No. Not exactly those ones but maybe something like them. I don't know but I know I don't like the idea of you being alone at night and seeing such a thing."

"I wasn't alone, my parents were a few rooms away."

"Yeah yeah" he said dismissively. He stood still and gazed into the distance. If I didn't know better, I'd have said he was listening to somebody talking to him but we were the only ones there.

"Gracie, I'm really sorry but I have to go. The boys and I were supposed to meet up. Let me take you home."

"Oh okay. My parents would be wondering where I am anyway."

I had told them I was having lunch with Ciara and that I'd be back right after and I'd already been gone for about four hours.

We got in his car and  drove to my house in comfortable silence. He stopped at the corner as usual and I turned to him.

"I had fun, thank you"

He flashed a dimple-filled smile at me. "Well I had a lot more than fun."

He pulled in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips and I found myself blushing again. Not because I was shy, because of the filthy thoughts running through my head.

"See you tonight."


He smiled again "You didn't think I was leaving you alone at night again after yesterday night, did you?"

I swallowed "So, you'll be-"

"Spending the night, yup."


Hii guys. I hope y'all are enjoying the book so far! Please don't be a silent reader, I love reading comments. And vote!! 💕💕

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