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Another week flew by and after spending a lot of it with Grey and his friends, I realised that boys weren't as bad as my parents made them out to be.

They always told me that all a boy would want to do to me was grab me, defile me and chuck me but what I had found out was that boys were a lot like girls, just much much less complicated.

Speaking of complicated girls, Ciara had stopped speaking to me since that first day I sat at Grey's table. She just ignored me whenever I tried to talk to her and changed seats if I tried to join her at lunch.

"Graceballs!" I smiled as Ryan slung his arm over my shoulder. He had settled for calling me that since Gracie didn't quite go over well with Grey. "Wanna come to the lake with us after school?"

"Uhhh I don't know." I had heard so much about the only lake in town from them.

"Grey will be thereeee" He sang.

Ugghh he knew just how to get me "I- will think about it"

Yeah right. My answer was a big YES.

I don't know, I just really liked hanging out with Grey. He was always super sweet and-

"Take your arm off"

-and also super possessive.

I turned to greet Grey as Ryan raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Hi Gracie" He smiled. I loved it when he smiled, he had a deep one-sided dimple.


"Has Mr. Handsy over there told you about the lake after school?"

I mentally rolled my eyes at the name he gave Ryan. It was kind of weird how weird he got about boys touching me - even mistakenly. "Yup. I'm coming. Whose car are we going in?"


"Okay. I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

I walked out of the cafeteria, feeling a lot of eyes on me.

People stared at me when I first started at this school but since I became friends with the guys, they gawked. Very openly.

Grey and the guys didn't seem to notice or if they did, they didn't mind.
But me, I was used to being a wallflower. At all my previous schools, I doubt anybody even noticed when I left. So all this attention wasn't easy to get used to.

I slipped into one of the stalls in the bathroom and did my business. When I came out, there was a really pretty girl touching up her make-up in front of the mirror.

I kept my head down and headed to the sink to wash my hands.

"Hi" Her bright voice startled me.

"Hey" I smiled.

"I love your shoes. They're really cool."

I looked down at the grey sneakers that I'd had for about a year. Cool?

"Thanks. They're not exactly new, though." I dried my hands on a paper towel.

"Really? I couldn't tell. I'm Lily" She offered her hand.

"Tamara Grace" I shook it. "Nice to meet you, I have to go, though."

"Yeah sure. Bye."

Well if that wasn't weird, I don't know what is.

People that looked like her were never that nice. So, were things different at this school?

I took my seat next to Grey at the cafeteria.

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