Real soon

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"CJ!" Ben squealed as he ran up to chloes hospital bed. "Hey bud, you okay?" She smiled at him as she leant down and picked up the child, Ben laughed and nodded as he sat on her knee. Jay and hailey smiled as they watched the two kids interact, "have you eaten?" She said while brushing his cheek. Ben looked at her, "yeah I did, and I got the chocolate bunny like the ones we saw yesterday" he waved his fingers in her face. She laughed, "oh you did?" She smiled at him. Ben sat up straighter on her lap and Chloe winced in pain, "are you okay?" Jay said while standing up, Chloe smiled through the pain, "yeah I'm good, he just hurt my leg a bit" she smiled at him. Jay nodded and put his arms out to pick up Ben, Chloe smiled and nodded then handed her brother over to jay. Hailey smiled and sat down in jays place so she was closer to Chloe as jay walked over to the window with Ben in his arms to look down at the traffic, "what happens to us now?" Chloe whispered to hailey. Hailey shot her a sympathetic smile, "well firstly you'll probably be put into a group home and then I'm 100% sure someone will adopt or foster you both..." she said doubtfully. Chloe looked down but smiled weakly.

Jay walked back over with Ben and sat him down on the chair, "alright buddy we gotta get you back to your room, come on. We'll be back later Chloe okay?" He said while tying bens shoe lace. Chloe smiled and nodded then waved them out of her room. She sat in the silence for a while, she felt happy knowing that Ben was safe but deep down she knew no one wanted a teenager and they would soon be ripped apart.

Jay and hailey left med after taking Ben back downstairs, they drove back to the district and delivered the news. "Alright so her names Chloe Jackson not CJ, that was just her brothers nickname for her. The kids parents died in a car pile up two years ago, they've been living on the streets ever since. She gave us a really detailed description of the guy, it shouldn't be hard to find him" hailey said while correcting the information they had on the board. Jay nodded, "yeah, she said he was looking through their stuff when she spoke out. He panicked and shot her then set the place on fire" he added. Hank nodded, "alright then, put a bolo out and get a sketch artist down here" he said before vanishing into his office. Kevin took the description from haileys notepad and went down to the front desk to get trudy to find the sketch artist.

Chloe felt weird, like none of this was real. She was going to be out into care with her brother and someday be taken away from him. She just hoped it wasn't going to be anytime soon. She had eaten a sandwich and had some soda, she felt full after so she struggled to eat anything else after it.

Jay had updated the firehouse on the situation, even though they couldn't do anything about the situation they all still wanted to know the kids were safe.

"We've got the sketch, includes everything Chloe told you guys" Kevin said as he reappeared with a drawing. He placed it on the board and everyone looked at it before leaving to sit at their desks to look for any possible suspects, "I got three that look similar" Kim said as she signalled for everyone to gather around. "Alright take them to the girl, see if any of them are a positive" hank said to jay and hailey as Kim printed off the paper. Jay took the paper from Kim and the partners left to go to med again. They entered med and walked into the elevator, they made their way up to the third floor again and over to chloes room. They watched her from outside her room for a second, she was sat staring out of the window while fiddling with the bed sheets, jay opened the door and caught her attention. "Hey Chloe, how you feeling?" He said with a smile. Chloe smiled back, "better" she summed up. The partners stood next to her bed, "we've got a few pictures here that we want you to look at, if you see the man that done this then just point to him. Take your time" he said I while pulling out the sheet of paper from the file.

Chloe nodded and took a deep breath before looking at the sheet of paper, she scanned the three men on the page but her eyes grew wide at the sight of the middle one, that was him. She looked up to jay with worry in her eyes then pointed to the middle one, "is that him?" He said while looking at hailey. Chloe sighed and nodded. Jay placed a warm hand on her shoulder, "we'll be back soon" he smiled before the partners left again.

"Marcus grey, no prior felonies" jay said as he put the photo onto the board. "Bolo came back with results, he was spotted on a wreckage site a block out from the crime scene" Adam added. Hank nodded, "suit up" he ordered them all. The team ran down to gear up and then they drove to the location, "move in" hank said as the detectives crept up on the guys. Jay immediately spotted their suspect so he called out, "Marcus grey, you're under arrest for attempted murder and arson" he shouted as he approached. Marcus stood up and put his arms up. The other homeless guys looked around in worry but the team left them alone.

When they got back to the bullpen they interrogated Marcus, they found out he was only trying to look for supplies to keep himself alive but when Chloe shouted at him he panicked then hit her. After that he set the place on fire to cover up his tracks but it failed. He was put in lock up and he was told to await his trial, "I'm looking for hank Voight, with regards to the Jackson's from your case" a lady in business attire enquired as she walked into the bullpen. Jay and hailey stood up and followed the woman into Hanks office since the case was close to them, "I'm with DCFS, I'm sure you'll be aware by now that they have been put into our system. An automatic response was flagged up regarding Ben Jackson, there's a lovely family awaiting his presence, they've already arranged to pick him up today" she smiled at hank. Jay and hailey shot each other sad looks, "what about Chloe?" Jay said while standing up straight. The social worker smiled, "nothing has come forward with regards for the sister yet" she confirmed. Jay scoffed, "but they're siblings, very close ones. Surely you can't just rip them away from each other..." jay raised his voice. Hank raised his hand at jay to make him shut up, "I'm sorry but we can and it's already been arranged, the family's on their way to med right now" she frowned while handing hank the file.

Jay walked out of the room and hailey followed suit, "we're going to med, come on. Sarge we're going to med" jay spoke to hailey then poked his head around hanks office. Hank waved them off since jay was going to go even if he said no, the partners got in their car and raced to med in hopes they weren't too late.

When they arrived at med they walked into the elevator and took the same route as the last 2 times. They walked into chloes room but she was still alone, they sat down by her side and explained about the man. "He's going to jail, for a long time?" Chloe said with a small smile. Jay nodded his head and smiled, "yeah he is" he agreed. Hailey went to speak but Ben and the social worker appeared in chloes room with the family following behind. Chloe had no idea what was going on but jay and hailey sighed as they stood up, their hearts shattered.

"Hey soldier!" Chloe smiled at her brother as he ran up to her. She couldn't pick him up since her leg was sore but she held his hand and looked at the strangers in her room. "Hi Chloe I'm Sarah, this is the family that will be taking Ben into care" she broke the devastating news. Chloe looked at Sarah with confusion, "what? They're adopting him?" She stuttered. Sarah smiled weakly and nodded, Chloe could feel her world falling apart and she could feel her breathing becoming chaotic but she held herself together for Ben. "No..." Ben whined as he held onto chloes hand even tighter. Chloe gripped onto his hand even tighter too knowing this would be one of the last times she would hold him, she looked at Sarah who was stood with the family. "You're gonna take good care of him right?" She said while fighting back her tears, the family nodded and smiled strongly at her, "we'll be the best parents we can for him" the mother approved.

Chloe steadied herself and painfully got off the bed, she carefully knelt down on her good leg and held bens arms, "you're gonna go with these nice people and I'll see you real soon okay?" She smiled at Ben with glassy eyes. Ben frowned, "but..." he started but Chloe cut him off. "It's okay, they're gonna look after you and if your good they might give you a chocolate bunny..." she looked at him. The parents smiled at their new son, "okay..." Ben sighed. Chloe pulled him into a big hug and she let a tear fall down her face, "I'll see you real soon, I love you" she said while letting him go. She stayed kneeling down as she watched the parents taking her brother away, Sarah smiled at the two detectives then followed the family out.

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