My rock

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*three months later*

"Okay and last but most certainly not least, Chloe" the English teacher said from the front of the classroom. Chloe took a deep breath and grabbed the paper from her desk then walked to the front, she smiled at all the parents and her classmates that were in front of her. It was careers day at school and the children had to write why they think their parents were the best at their jobs then read it out for them.

She smiled at her dad who was stood at the back next to hailey since they were kind of a thing now, "...that's why I think my dads the best police officer and detective in the world because he saved me, he is my rock, my hero" she finished up and smiled at her dad who had tears in his eyes at the back of the room. Everyone clapped and she made her way back to her desk, she turned back and winked at hailey since she helped her write it then faced the front again. "That's a wrap class, enjoy your summer break. Oh and happy birthday Chloe!" The teacher finished her lesson on a high.

Chloe smiled and nodded then ran to the back of the class to where her dad was, "can we go now?" She smiled. Jay laughed, "yeah come on" he nodded. They left and joined the unit for chloes birthday meal, they talked and enjoyed delicious treats all evening, they went to mollys afterwards and even though Chloe only got cokes she still laughed with the first responders that had joined them, she even got her dad to sing karaoke with her on stage.

The truth was jay literally saved her, not just from dying out on the cold floor of an abandoned warehouse, but from herself. She gone from having nothing left to having everything, she couldn't have asked for anything else. Sure enough she missed Ben but she always received little drawings and messages from the family which made her days even more brighter than they could possibly be...

*hi my lovelies! I hope you enjoyed this story, if you have any suggestions, as always just comment or let me know! I hope you're all keeping safe and happy, stay beautiful as always :)*

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