Open arms

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                  Jay woke up the next morning and immediately thought of Chloe, he got up and walked over to her room.  Since the door was slightly ajar he poked his head around it and saw her sleeping, like she had slept there her entire life.  He smiled and fully shut the door then left to go change and sit on the couch.  His mind wandered and then he remembered his brother, he didn't know how to tell him so he decided to call him.
Jay: "hey are you free?"
Will: "yeah it's my day off why?"
Jay: "don't freak out but you have a niece"
Will: "uhhhh how..."
Jay: "you remember your patient from the other week?"
Will: "uhhh, oh god. Ummm, oh yeah, Chloe right?"
Jay: "yeah, well her brother got adopted so she was put into the system. I had to do something so..."
Will: "you adopted her? Really?"
Jay: " don't seem too happy?"
Will: "no, no I'm thrilled. I really am, it's just a shock"
Jay: "yeah it was a shock to us all but she's worth fighting for. Anyways, I figured you'd wanna meet her somewhere different that the ED so how about lunch?"
Will: "steak house?"
Jay: "you know it, thanks for keeping your cool"
Will: "well I can't wait to meet her, see you soon"
Jay: "you too"

                 With the rather short phone conversation now over, he hung up and turned his head around as he heard quiet pitter patters of feet coming up behind him, "caught you" he said when he realised she was gonna scare him.  She laughed and sat down beside him, "I've got someone I want you meet, again..." he furrowed his brows.  Chloe smiled, "really? Who?!" She squealed in clear happiness.  Jay smiled, "your uncle" he nodded.  Chloe smiled, "when?" She enquired.  Jay laughed at her energy, "today for lunch, we're going to the steak house downtown" he smiled.  Chloe looked at the clock on the wall and saw the time, "oh god that's soon, I gotta go get ready" she said while climbing off the couch and running to her room.  Jay laughed and watched his daughter act like a typical young teenager. 

                "You ready chlo?" Jay shouted from the kitchen.  He didn't get an answer but he was greeted by a smiling Chloe, she nodded and followed him out.  He drove her to the steak house him and Will loved as he bonded with her in the car for the first time, they played music and got to know each other a bit better.  Ha parked up and helped Chloe down from his SUV, "let's go, you're gonna love him" jay smiled as he held her shoulder while crossing the road.  They walked in to see Will already sitting at a table, jay lead her over since Chloe didn't know who she was looking for.  Jay slid into the booth first and Chloe looked at Will in shock, "dr halstead?!" She raised her eyebrows, jay laughed.  "It's Will to you, unless we see each other in the hospital again then it's definitely dr Chuckles" he joked.  Chloe let out a chesty laugh and Will hugged her, he accepted her with open arms. 

                  They ordered food and ate, they talked about anything and everything.  Turns out they all had a lot in common. "Jay snores" Will blurted out, jay took slight offence but it was playful, "no, Will snores" jay corrected him. Chloe watched the pair bicker back and fourth while snickering to herself. The waiter walked back over to the table and they paid for their meals, Will stood up and gave Chloe one last hug before they all left to go home. Jay walked Chloe over to the car and he thought for a second, "how about we go see my unit?" He smiled at her. Chloe looked at him for a second, "like the police people?" She smiled. Jay laughed and nodded, chloes smile grew even wider and she nodded.

"Hey sarge" jay said as he walked into the district with Chloe. Trudy looked up from her paper work at the sound of jays voice since she could've sworn Hank told her he was taking a day off, "jay, who's this little one?" She darted her attention to Chloe stood next to her with a smiled on her face. Jay smiled, "I'm Chloe, he's my dad" she answered for him. Jays heart warmed up at the sound of her calling him dad, trudy shot jay an is this true look so jay nodded with a smile on his face. Trudy smiled back and let him go, "welcome to the family kiddo" she added before jay buzzed the pair up. Chloe smiled and waved at her before jay lead her up some stairs, chloe stood a little closer to jay as they got further up the stairs and jay thought that was cute. "Jay?" Adam said as he walked into the stairs with a young girl, everyone turned to look at jay in confusion, "Chloe right?" Kim said with a smile. Chloe nodded and looked at jay in confusion, "we worked your case a while back, they know who you are" he quietly said to her, Chloe mouthed 'oh' and smiled at everyone.

Hank had heard the disruption outside and got up to see what was going on, he walked into his office door way and stood smiling at jay and Chloe. "And that's Hank Voight, our boss" jay finished up the introductory greetings. Chloes head shot over to hanks direction, she flashed him a wide smile and waved at him. "I'm gonna go talk to Hank now okay? These guys don't bite i promise" he smiled at Chloe. Chloe nodded and looked around at everyone, she noticed hailey and smiled. The unit got up to greet Chloe, she had even taken a liking to Kevin since he knew what the talk of the streets were just like she did. "How's she doing?" Hank said to jay as he stood and watched his detectives getting along well with Chloe. Jay smiled, "good actually, she's just called me dad for the first time downstairs so I'm taking that as a good sign?" Jay said doubtfully. Hank smiled and placed a hand on jays shoulder, "yeah it is, she trusts you" he reassured him. Jay nodded and smiled then talked for a while, he watched Chloe bonding with his friends and they were all too much alike that he just had to laugh at them. The team got called out to go somewhere so jay decided it was time to take her home, "come on then" he smiled and lead her out of the bullpen.

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