We believe you

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*one week later*

"Hello is this detective halstead?" The social worker from chloes group home said down the phone.
Jay: "is is, how can I help you?"
Miss sanders: "I was just wondering if maybe Chloe had stopped by the district instead of coming home?"
Jay: "no, no she hasn't. Is everything okay?"
Miss sanders: "she's just usually home by now that's all"
Jay: "I'll be over to your home with my partner in a few minutes"
Miss sanders: "thank you detective"

"Sarge me and hailey gotta head out, Chloe hasn't turned up home..." jay said while poking his head around voights office door. Hank waved him off so jay and hailey grabbed their jackets and headed out to jays SUV, "maybe one of the kids know something" hailey said hopefully. Jay nodded and drove to the group home. They hopped out of the car and knocked on the big door, "come in" miss sanders said while opening the door widely. "Has she mentioned any location at all?" Hailey said as miss sanders opened her office door. The three stepped inside of her office and she closed the door behind her, "no, not to me at least" she sighed. Jay looked at hailey, "what about any of the kids, has she got someone she's close with?" He sighed. Miss sanders nodded, "yeah, her roommate Amy, I'll go get her. Sit tight" she said while standing up to leave the pair alone.

A few minutes later miss sanders reappeared with a timid Amy, she walked into the room and Amy looked scared. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble" jay smiled at the child. Amy sighed in relief and sat down opposite them, "has Chloe mentioned anywhere specific to you? Anywhere she could've possibly gone?" Hailey smiled at the kid. Amy thought for a second then a light switched on in her brain, "yeah actually, she told me about a big yellow building..." she cocked her head to the side. Jay smiled and thanked the pair before leaving quickly with hailey, "you know where she is?" Hailey said in confusion. Jay nodded, "yeah there ain't many yellow buildings around here, not many big ones anyways" he sighed as they both hopped in the car.

Chloe was sat on the edge at the building, on the roof. Her legs were dangling over the edge, it was a long way down but she didn't mind it, she closed her eyes and took in the city sounds below her. She was only there to forget about reality, she wasn't planning on jumping off the building or anything. She just needed some space and this building was special to her.

Jay pulled up outside of the big yellow building and the pair hopped out, he looked up to the top and squinted. "Look" he nudged haileys arm and pointed to a pair of feet swaying over the edge. Their minds immediately dashed to the worst possibly thing and they quickly ran into the lobby, "Chicago PD, are we okay to get onto the roof?" Jay said while flashing his badge. It was 6:30pm so it was quiet, the caretaker nodded and let them past. The pair took the stairs since it was faster and sprinted to the top, they got to the ladder shaft which lead onto the roof, jay went first then helped hailey onto the roof after him. He scanned the roof and saw Chloe sat on the edge of the building.

She was sat with her eyes closed, "Chloe?" She heard a man say her name, she turned her head around to see jay making his way over to her slowly with hailey behind him. She frowned at how bad it looked, "I wasn't gonna jump..." she shook her head at them. Jay smiled, "it's okay we believe you, just come over here where it's safe" he let out a breath of relief. Chloe done as he said and jumped off the ledge then followed jay and hailey back down the ladders into the warm building. "Are you okay?" Jay said confused. Chloe nodded, "yeah, I promise I wasn't gonna jump. It's just my brother's favourite place in the city. I like coming here to clear my head..." she looked down. Jay smiled at her then placed a hand on her shoulder as they walked down the stairs.

They hopped in jays car and cranked up the heating, it was dark out so it was breezy. "How'd you guys find me?" She smiled to the floor. Hailey laughed, "Amy helped us" she smiled. Chloe nodded then sighed, "what's wrong?" Jay said with a frown as he started driving her home. "I miss Ben..." she looked out of the window. Hailey and jay smiled at her, "he's in the best place" jay smiled at her through the rear mirror. Chloe sadly nodded and looked out of the window again. They cheery happy Chloe they saw a while back was gone and she just seemed to be living through the motions.

Miss sanders was waiting at the door for them, "Chloe! You can't just run off like that..." she said warningly as jay helped her out of the car. She sounded harsh as Chloe hung her head down low, miss sanders pushed Chloe into the home and the kid vanished out of site. "Take it easy on her" jay sighed in annoyance. Miss sanders looked at him blankly, "all kids are the same in here, she'll be fine. Thanks for your help" she scoffed before closing the door on them. Jay rolled his eyes, "I hate the system" he huffed as they hopped into the car. Jay put his elbow on the inside of the door window and put his head against it, "you okay?" Hailey said as he just sat in the car staring at the house. Jay looked at her, "would you say I'm crazy if I told you I've thought about adopting her...?" He spat out. Hailey looked at him in shock, "I wouldn't say crazy but, have you?" she raised her eyebrows. Jay looked back at the house and nodded his head.

"You do know what you'd be getting yourself into right?" Hailey said to him seriously. Jay nodded his head, "she deserves more than this, and if I can give it to her then I will..." he smiled weakly at his partner. Hailey smiled and nodded at him, "have you looked into it?" She said while looking at the house too. Jay smiled, "yeah, I've got pamphlets at home. I just need to look through them again before I talk to DCFS about it" he sighed. Hailey smiled at him and nodded before he started the car to drive back to the district.

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