chapter twenty five

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b i a n a   v a c k e r

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b i a n a   v a c k e r

"and then i was like look, if you're not gonna give me the receipt don't bother getting me anything at all." biana was at stina's mansion, having been invited to a "small" get together with her friends.

"i don't know why you tried with her in the first place stina. yeah she's friends with the cousin of damel but i've heard-" biana lowered her voice so just the people sitting in the hot tub with her could hear, "that she wears hand me downs" the crowd gasped around her and biana nodded with a devilish smile.

"i can not believe you let me hang out with her." stina cringed.

"honey i didn't let you do anything. if i weren't in italy that summer," raising her voice to make sure everyone could hear her,"she wouldn't have even been able to breathe the same air as you." the girls around biana chuckled and started whispering rude remarks about damel kafutas cousins friend, restoring bianas confidence.

"FITZROY AVERY VACKER!!" biana screeched when he jumped into an excessively large cannonball, splashing her entourage with cold water from the pool behind them. though her friends didn't seem to mind when fitz resurfaced and shined a perfectly pearly white teeth smile.

"sorry ladies" fitz started as he made his way over. "i hope i didn't bother you too much." biana rolled her eyes when the girls quickly forgave him and then proceeded to fawn over his abs.

"you almost got my hair wet." she snarled. biana made sure her bun was still secure and checked her makeup in the camera of her phone before applying more lipgloss. "is keefe here?"

fitz rolled his eyes and slid into the hot tub beside biana. maruca "wanted to be closer to the jet" so she scooted near bianas brother. "nah don't think so, he twisted his ankle at practice so he'll be resting for a while."

"he never comes to any of our hangouts anymore." she grumbled.

"it's been a week biana. and have you forgotten you have a boyfriend? not that mom and dad approve of him."

"tam is busy, alright? he doesn't have time for high school parties. he's mature. unlike some boys here." biana said, mostly to convince herself she hadn't made a mistake. "rarely makes time for me." she thought, biana crossed her arms and spun to face the back gate. tam had promised to at least stop by. biana was worried he was slipping out of her grasp and if he wasn't going to make appearances with her, she'd have to find someone who would.

"i'm gonna grab a beer." fitz jumped out of the tub, disappointing the majority of the girls in there, and headed to the cooler.

once fitz had been gone for a considerable amount of time, people started to whip out their phones. whispers were going around and after biana had figured out they weren't about her, she pulled out her own. "what. the. fuck. how did she even get on campus?"

biana had opened her phone to see text messages, snaps, and dms all about the latest drama. sophie and damel. her blood was boiling. she had called dibs on him since the start of sophomore year. stina swiped through the photos marella posted on her instagram and showed the one of linh. biana glared at the screen. "i'm calling tam. if he doesn't come now. we're over." maruca gasped but shut up and looked the other way when biana turned to scowl at her.

biana climbed out and went to sit on a pool chair. she dialed tams number and waited for an answer. hearing the ringing of his phone nearby, she hung up and searched for him. tam was just walking in, in jeans and a hoodie. "what are you wearing?" biana asked when tam reached her. "i told you it was a pool party. you don't always have to dress so...edgy."

tam pulled out the airpods in his ears and looked up at her. "sorry what did you say?" knowing she hadn't made an effective approach, biana put on a sweet smile and moved to push his bangs out of his eyes.

"oh i was just asking if you've seen the pictures marella posted on instagram. linh was surrounded by college guys. i'm a little worried for her. you know how men can be."

"she was what?" tam exclaimed.

"you didn't know? yeah she, sophie, and marella all went to FUEL last night." she zoomed in, on her phone, on the picture with linh, hoping tam might recognize some of the boys.


biana smirked, she had him right where she wanted him, but quickly hid it with a concerned expression. "is that his name? i thought i saw him coming out of linhs room the other day. he's the one in the green right?" tam nodded and excused himself from the party.

on the one hand she was incredibly frustrated with how little effort tam made into his popularity (or her for the matter), it came to him in the beginning but unfortunately it was starting to fade since he'd done nothing to keep up with his status. other than date biana of course. but he had connections to damel and one of her goals next year was to date him. her life long dream however was to be prom queen and that wasn't gonna happen with tam as her king. so she decided to use him for as long as possible then drop him before prom and make her debut with keefe. biana clapped her hands together. how she was so smart amazed herself everyday.

biana walked off back to stina, who had gone to tan, with a satisfied look on her face. she laid down on her back on a sun lounger next to her friend and propped herself up on her elbows. "what did you do this time?"

"me? oh nothing. but we won't have to worry about damel's lips being occupied by girls with experiences of 12 year olds."

"i don't understand how tam puts up with you." stina laughed.

"what do you mean? he loves how close i am with linh." biana shifted her sunglasses. the girls erupted in laughter.

"you really have him wrapped around your finger. better hope linh doesn't find out how well your "friendship" has progressed."

"she won't. i won't need him after next week anyway. sooner even. proms on friday and i'm planning on going with keefe. this will all be nothing but a nightmare and things can go back to normal." she sighed.

"speak of the devil." stina murmured.

"keefe!" a group of girls cheered from the pool. biana tried not to let her excitement show as she slowly lifted her sunglasses to check out her ex. with tam gone and worried about his sister, she was free to do as she pleased.

keefe walked in wearing deep green swim trunks and a black tee. with a towel in hand he threw it to a lounge chair, kicked off his sandals, slowly rose his shirt above his head, putting his 6 pack (def not of beer) on display ;), tossed it by his towel, and dove into the pool. she was practically drooling, but so were all the rest of the girls. what was she thinking when she dumped him?

biana noticed how people acted around keefe, it was very different from tam. guys would come up to greet him and girls shyly stood to the side snickering about him. that's they type of guy she wanted. if only she hadn't taken what she had for granted. stop. thinking. about. the. past. she had to focus to the future if she was going to reclaim her boyfriend. it was no matter. they'd get together again and he'd worship her for taking him back. with her goal set in sight, she knew it was no coincidence when she made eye contact with keefe. it was obvious he wanted her. sophie was just a pawn to make her jealous. at least that was what she was telling herself.

another update to make up for the long wait :)

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