chapter seventeen

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s o p h i e   f o s t e r

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s o p h i e   f o s t e r

"water bottle?"
"hair ties?"
"change of clothes?"
"bathing suit?, snacks?,sunscreen?, sunglasses?"
"check, check, check, and I don't need them."
"you always say that and you end up regretting not bringing them."
"i brought my visor instead."
"good girl." edaline smiled. she was running through a list of "essentials" that sophie would need for her trip to hershey park. edaline was always over prepared and ended having more bags than she could carry but luckily had grady to hold all of them. sophie wouldn't be so lucky so she needed to limit the amount of stuff she was going to bring. honk! honk!
"that's him! gotta go mom." she snatched her bursting bag off the table and dashed out the door.
"love you hunny! don't forget to put on sunscreen!" she yelled from the front door. sophie waved at her foster mom one time before sliding into keefe's car. his eyes widened when they saw sophie's bag exploding open.
"you think you packed enough?" he smirked while sophie wrestled to shove it down by her feet. "give it here foster. it's not going to fit down there no matter how hard you push." sophie put the bag on her lap, too tired to hand it to him, and keefe tossed it in the back.
"ow!" a voice cried from the back. sophie's head snapped to the back to see who it had come from.
"linh?" she was really the least likely the be in his backseat. "i thought you were going with marella?" linh shoved sophie's bag off her and looked to sophie.
"she was until she caught a cold. she passed it off as nothing, you know marella, but i forced her to stay home because she was as white as a sheet."
sophie frowned sad that one of her best friends wasn't coming to the funnest, yes it's a word, field trips of the year. "hopefully she can still come to the sleepover tonight." linh nodded in agreement as sophie turned back around.
"seriously foster what did you pack in there?" she crossed her arms and glared at him as keefe started the car.
"when you get all hot today don't come crawling to me to save you."
"i'm hot all the time. pretty sure i'd be the one saving you." linh chuckled from the back and sophie flipped her off.
"whoa whoa whoa. put that away." linh exclaimed. after sophie was tormented by the two for twenty more minutes they arrived at the vackers private jets runway. biana, fitz, and their parents were standing before their several jets greeting everyone. even their smiles were pompous. they acted like they owned the place, which well they did.
keefe emptied about half of the contents of sophie's backpack into his trunk and gave her the lightened back. "hey!" sophie complained.
"look i was probably going to end up carrying that bag and there's no way i'm breaking my back before prom to be your butler."
"butlers don't carry their bosses bags around." sophie defended.
"you don't know that."
"well-"this conversation is stupid." linh interjected. she pulled sophie and keefe away from his car and towards the last jet on the runway. sophie was annoyed keefe had emptied her very well packed backpack but knew he was right in that she would probably break her and keefes back lugging it around. sophie skipped up the stairs to the jet and squealed in excitement when she saw the empty seats.
"hopefully no one else comes." sophie prayed. there were only five seats in the jet so even if more did come it wouldn't be many. linh and sophie dropped their bags in the front and ran to pick their chairs. keefe was left putting their bags up in the overhead bins.
linh took the seat in the very back right next to the mini fridge so there was only one chair in her row. sophie sat in the chair right in front of linh and keefe took the one next to sophie. she could tell this was going to be a fun trip. the flight was only an hour long so she wouldn't get too sick and would be the appropriate amount of time to explore the jet.
she could hear the chatter coming from the front of the jet in the cockpit and hoped there would be food served. sophie hadn't eaten breakfast, she'd packed a granola bar but it was most likely in the trunk of keefes car right now.
"whoa. they have mean girls on here."
when sophie turned around to see what linh was talking about, linh had a small screen pulled out from her armrest and was surfing through movies on it.
"the flight is two hours there and back. i doubt you'll actually have time to finish it." sophie said.
"mean girls?! i love that movie." keefe cheered. "stop being such a downer foster. even linhs having fun."
"i'm not being a downer. i'm just being realistic." she explained.
the pilot announced it was time to take their seats over the loud speaker and the three settled into their seats. sophie was happy to see there was wifi on the plane and gleefully entered in the passcode. she texted edaline and grady to let them know she got onto the plane safely and was heading to hershey park. then she called marella to see how she was doing.
it went straight to voicemail and sophie assumed she was sleeping or something so she texted her instead.

me: hope you feel better soon! senior ditch day won't be the same without you! also linh likes mean girls - who knew?

it was pretty early still so sophie decided she would try and take a nap to rest for the day ahead of her. as soon as she closed her eyes she felt a thump! on her forehead. sophie ignored it, it probably was her imagination. she felt the thump! again and this time sophie opened her eyes. on the floor were two peanuts and one more appeared after hitting her right in the eye. "ow!" sophie covered her eye with her hand and looked directly over to keefe. he immediately shrunk down in his seat and pretended to be asleep. "stop hitting me with peanuts!" she hissed.
the corner of keefes lips turned up and he opened his eyes before letting out a few chuckles. "it actually really hurt."
"weak." keefe shook his head in disappointment.
"at least i don't hit beautifully sleeping women for entertainment."
"everything you said in that sentence was a lie. you're not very beautiful, you weren't sleeping, and how do i know you're not a man." sophie narrowed her eyes in on keefe when he said that last part.
"you wouldn't be attracted to a man would you be?"
"foster i'd like you either way." he smirked.
"enough with the flirting up there! i'm trying to watch mean girls in peace!" linh yelled.
keefe and sophie stuck their tongues out at linh  simultaneously then laughed about their ridiculous conversation. keefe went back to eating his peanuts and pulled out a book while sophie closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep.

sorry for not updating in forever! i've been so busy with school but somehow i can write chapters on my phone so much faster so now that i'm going to start taking the bus to school i'll be able to write more chapters if i'm not too exhausted.

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