chapter twenty four

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k e e f e   s e n c e n

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k e e f e   s e n c e n

"ow ow ow." keefe was on the ground rubbing his ankle, the football team kneeling around him.

"can you stand?" the coach asked nervously. keefe looked up at him and tried to get up before wincing and thudding to the turf. "vacker! williams! take him to elwin now!" keefe could tell he was especially stressed with any injuries at practice because of the big game on friday.

fitz and yosef, a junior on defense, lifted keefe by the arm pits and swung both of his arms over each of their shoulders. "practice is cancelled. everyone go home to rest and be ready to work your behinds off tomorrow!" the coach announced.

yosef pumped his fist, unbalancing keefe and gaining a glare from both seniors. "sorry." he mumbled. keefe looked to fitz with a worried expression. was his ankle going to be okay? they'd been talking about this game since eighth grade and he wasn't about to let a bad play ruin it all for him.

"it's gonna be fine." fitz promised. keefe wasn't sure how much fitz really understood his injury, but appreciated the support.

"i'll be with you guys in a minute. hang tight." elwin smiled. they'd made it to the medical center and keefe was laid down onto one of the cots. his ankle looked red and a little swollen. almost like a sprain. he hung his head. a sprain could take up to 6 months to heal. one week at best but that would be pushing it for the game on friday.

he threw his hands up and looked at fitz. "there's no way it isn't sprained. you're gonna have to find a new wide receiver, right?"

fitz briefly looked over his ankle and shook his head. "nah don't say that. doesn't seem too bad. and we need you man. we don't have a shot against exilium without you." keefe gave him a weak smile. was that supposed to make him feel better? it only made him more anxious about the possible sprain. "should i call your dad?" fitz offered.

"ha! that's a good one." keefe laughed. his face turned cold and he looked at fitz, dead serious. "don't." fitz nodded and turned his attention to the door as coach astin burst through. he rushed over to the end of keefes cot and stared down at his ankle.

"where's elwin?" fitz pointed to the double doors elwin had disappeared into and the coach marched through. seconds later, coach astin was pulling elwin back in the main room by the sleeve. elwin looked a little annoyed but put on a grin before squatting down to inspect keefes ankle. "well?" the coach asked in an impatient tone.

elwin stood back up and faced the students. then turned to coach astin. "let's talk in the other room." keefe groaned loudly, knowing it couldn't be good, and fitz reached over to pat his back. the two teachers walked back past the double doors to converse.

"it's sprained." coach astins eyebrows dipped down and his face scrunched into a scowl.

"when is the soonest he'll be able to play?"

"i'd say 3 weeks at the least. if he strains it too much there could be permanent damages." elwin explained.

"what if he rice's every second until friday?"

"even with medication i still advise 3 weeks of rest." elwin declared.

"there's this new dru-"

"under no circumstances should he play in that game." he clarified. elwin managed to shut up the coach with a few more retorts and astin begrudgingly nodded in defeat.

keefe looked up when the coach walked through the doors. he stood there for a minute just looking at keefes injury. why wasn't he saying anything? could he play? was his football career over? would yosef substitute for keefes spot as wide receiver? "well?" he asked looking at the coach expectantly.

coach astin smiled and gave him a thumbs up. "you're all good to go for friday's game. just a twist no sprain. doc said a little rice and you'll be good as new."

keefe sighed a breath of relief and looked to fitz in excitement. "you're on your own there. i don't got a clue on how to make rice." fitz said.

"rest, ice, compression, and elevation you idiot." keefe grumbled. he had lost hope there and was almost positive this would be the end for him. perhaps he was being a little dramatic. maybe he was spending too much time with marella.

"let's get you out of here before elwin changes his mind." keefe knew his coach was only joking, he knew he'd never lie to him about something so serious like his health, but he was in a rush to follow his orders.

fitz drove keefe home, luckily he hadn't driven his car to foxfire or else he'd have had to leave it on campus. they sat listening to the radio broadcasting a football game of their favorite college team playing against their rivals: FUEL (foxfire university -elite levels) vs. EU (exilium university). both were feeded students right from their sister highschools, foxfire high and exilium. the rivalry didn't end senior year, even some of the college students would come back to watch the game of the year played on prom.

once keefe was back in his room, fitz stayed by his side to keep him company for a while. keefe was leaning against a wall, refusing to lay down. though keefe and fitz probably didn't have the healthiest relationship, the both of them had been friends for as long as they could remember. keefe had to remind himself of that every time fitz did something to piss him off. which was around 90 percent of the time. "damn keefe you might actually win this. hanging out with college kids is already a boost. but making out with one shoots you up to the top in seconds."

keefe furrowed his brows in confusion. "okay?what's that supposed to mean?"

fitz quirked up an eyebrow. "you didn't plan this?" he showed keefe the pictures he was staring at on his phone. keefes eyes almost popped out of their sockets they were so wide. he grabbed fitz's phone and zoomed in on it.

"who the hell is that?!" keefe yelled.

"i hate to be the one to break this to you, but you're girlfriend isn't the most faithful." fitz smirked. this was the 90% of the time he hated his "best friend". he wouldn't let up. even after he twisted his ankle.

"we're not- whatever." he rolled his eyes. "i meant who's the douche?" keefe glared at the chiseled dark haired figure eating sophie's face off, as if he could burn the guy with his eyes through the screen.

"that's damel kafuta. you wouldn't want him to hear what you just said. he could knock the living daylights out of you before you could scream for help. i should know."

"he's hit you?" keefe questioned.

"nah but he goes to school with alvar and they've gotten into it quite a few times. it was a fair fight until damel got jacked over the summer sophomore year." how was keefe going to compete with that? not that he wanted to. this could be a good thing. not for keefe. but for his hair.

"people are saying they did it." fitz blurted.

"did what?" fitz raised his eyebrows as if it was obvious. keefe dropped the phone before dropping his body.

sorry for making you guys wait years for this! i love the support you all are giving me and don't feel like i hate when you spam for an update. i love it 🥰

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