chapter thirty

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s o p h i e   f o s t e r

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s o p h i e   f o s t e r

"soph it looks great. but you know what doesn't?" marella gestured to linhs unkempt hair. sophie chuckled but shook her head. 

"its missing something." the three girls had spent the last two hours decorating sophie's house for her birthday party. edaline and grady were gone on a work trip and wouldn't be back until thursday so sophie had no one to turn to for decoration advice. she didn't have much experience either. 

"we have an hour until the party starts. i'll probably spend half that time helping you two dorks getting ready, ten minutes scrounging your house for alcohol, another ten minutes texting people to come early so the party doesn't look completely lame, and that'll leave me two minutes to gspend on myself. before you ask about those last eight minutes, they're free in case someone decides to actually come before the start time." marella vented.

"i kinda agree with marella on this one." linh joined in. "except i would appreciate it if you stopped insulting my appearance. i have enough low self-esteem as it is." marella gave her a not so apologetic look. 

"fine. fine. fine." sophie gave in. she started to walk up the stairs with marella when they noticed linh was still standing in the foyer. 

"i just have one request." marella looked impatiently at linh and urged her on. "promise you won't upload a picture of me half naked and making out with a guy i've never spoken a word to." linh grinned while the two blondes stormed up to sophies room. too soon. sophie thought. 

linh took a seat on sophies see through orbed chair that hung from the ceiling, sophie sprawled out on her bed, and marella rummaged through the bags she'd brought. "alright." marella started. "to get this done as quickly and efficiently as possible, you both have to listen and cooperate to my exact instructions. if not, this will be a total flop." 

sophie and linh nodded but were both rather skeptical, considering the events that transpired at the last party marella dressed them at. maybe it wouldn't be so bad to dress like a librarian, it would let her avoid any unwanted attention. marella clasped her hands together and began. "sophie you stay there. i'll come to do your makeup. linh your outfit is in the red bag. try it on, make sure it fits, then curl your hair. you know how to do that, yes?" 

linh rolled her eyes and took the red bag to the bathroom. sophie sat crisscrossed on her bed and waited for marella to gather her supplies. "i'm assuming you want a more natural look so i promise not to do more than the basics." 

"marella i'm not sure your idea of "the basics" is what i have in mind." she ignored sophie's comment and centered herself in front of sophie. marella started by blending concealer under her eye bags and covering her very little amount of acne. then she highlighted sophie's cheekbones, nose, and upper lip. that would make her skin appear flawless and kissed by the sun under the lights. primer and mascara applied, marella finished off the natural look with a layer of clear lip gloss. "it's so sticky." sophie complained. 

"i think what you mean to say is thank you so much marella for spending your precious time, when you could've been getting yourself ready, to doll up my ungrateful ass." marella gritted through stressed teeth. 

sophie apologized quickly, not wanting to anger the tense girl sitting in front of her. though marellas demeanor changed suddenly when linh stepped out of the bathroom. she had on a sparkly navy blue, it really was her color, cocktail dress and silver heels. the straps wrapped up around her calfs and stopped a little bit before her knees. the silver butterfly choker she was wearing complemented her dress nicely and made her neck seem less bare. linh had curled her hair but the strands didn't seem natural. the curls were tight and her usual long hair, that passed her shoulders was now sitting right on top of them. 

"fabulous. absolutely gorgeous!" marella squealed. she bounced off the bed and ran over to linh. sophie cringed when marella ran her fingers through linhs hair. what was she doing? "make sure to run a comb through these curls to make them look more natural." marella advised. sophie had to admit, this girl knew what she was doing. "okay now switch. linh i'll do your makeup and sophie you put on your outfit, in the green bag."

in the bathroom, sophie slid on the white fabric from her bag. it seemed a little much to be a dress. especially since marella never wore dresses that went further than her mid thigh. when sophie put it on, her outfit turned out to be a white laced romper. marella knew her so well. and she actually felt comfortable wearing it. along with the romper, sophie had silver dangly earrings, a necklace with a red pendant, and black boots. she tied her hair up into a ponytail and curled the ends. before leaving to show the girls, sophie followed marellas earlier instructions to loosen the curled strands.

linhs jaw dropped when she saw sophie. marella had a satisfied smirk on her face as if she knew how good sophie would look. while sophie was busy in the bathroom, marella seemed to have time to get herself all ready. she was wearing a yellow short dress, up to her mid thigh obviously, gold hoops, and white heels. marella had her hair down and straightened. "i'll be the first to say...damnnnnnn. we look hottttt!" marella cheered.

sophie and linh blushed. "oh stop it guys. you got to own it tonight! both of your mans are coming and you have to take advantage of all the attention you'll get from other guys. this way they'll be even more eager to cuff you!"

marella gave out this advice as if it was sophie's ultimate goal in life to have a boyfriend. "and who exactly is my "mans"?" sophie raised an eyebrow.

"i'd like to know the same thing." linh chimed in.

marella put her hands on her hips, exasperated. "you're both so oblivious it hurts. sophie, keefe has been flirting with you all week. i don't know how you two haven't hooked up already. people are assuming you have by the way you look at each other. and that really says something! linh. sweet sweet linh. i know your brother makes it impossible to date. but i texted wylie." linhs eyes went wide. "he says he'll be here in an hour." marella dangled her phone in front of linhs face with the text exchange she had with wylie. 

sophie looked down at her hands to ground herself. did keefe like her? a warm tingly feeling rushed up her face and to her head, but she briskly shook it off. no. who was she kidding? he probably just saw her as a little sister. 

the whole cheerleading squad had arrived right at nine, per marellas request, to fill up the house. each of them brought a member of the football team so they really got the party going. it wasn't for an hour later that sophie was actually excited to see someone walk through the door. 

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