chapter twenty

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k e e f e    s e n c e n

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k e e f e s e n c e n

"left! left! bro to your left!" dex shouted. keefe was at fitz's mansion watching dex yell at fitz for how bad he sucked at fortnite. they'd forced keefe to spend the night after he ditched them for sophie yesterday. "duuuude" dex shook his head when fitz's avatar, on the huge 120 inch tv in front of them, fell to their knees. 

fitz rolled his eyes and threw the control back to dex, who was sprawled on the couch behind him. "whatever." he grumbled. keefe was sitting on a barstool next to an island in the downstairs kitchen. fitz's basement was almost as big as the schools gym and cafeteria combined. actually it was probably bigger. to say fitz was rich would be an understatement. keefe had played a few rounds then decided to solve his hunger. he just finished cooking a quick breakfast for his friends and hoped it would be edible, at the very least.

"hey hey hey. not so fast. i finished the eggs. we're eating." keefe decided.

"don't have to tell me twice." fitz smiled and jumped onto the stool beside keefe. dex frowned but turned off the new playstation 5 fitz had just gotten.

"i was just starting a round." dex whined. though his frown turned into a grin when he took a whiff of the toast coming out of the toaster. "yumm. keefe i didn't know you could cook."

"he can't." fitz grimaced. "you have no idea how many egg shells i just swallowed." he gagged. keefe chuckled and threw a burnt piece of toast at him, unfortunately missing. dex sat next to fitz and examined the plate of scrambled eggs in front of him. sure enough there were large chunks of egg shell mixed in.

"this is nasty." dex pouted. his mom was a professional chef and recently opened up her own ice cream shop near eternalia, the restaurant sophie had taken him the other day. dex was used to gourmet meals and clearly wasn't impressed with keefe's lame attempt at cooking breakfast. "we're heading to my moms after i beat your asses in foosball." dex's parents were going through a rough divorce but his mom, juline, was still happy to make meals for fitz and keefe whenever they came over.

"it's fine. i don't wanna bother your mom. she has to deal with your siblings without you today." fitz laughed. keefe and fitz usually tried to dance around the whole situation and avoid making more work for mrs.dizznee.

"true." an awkward silence settled among the boys before a high pitched screech came from the top of the stairs.

"what smells so good down there?!" the three rolled their eyes and groaned as biana came skipping down the steps. "hey dex." she greeted. "keefe."

"good morning." dex waved. keefe didn't want to deal with his ex-girlfriend right then but nodded in her direction, after all she still was his best friends sister and he had to play nice.

"keefe made scrambled eggs for us." fitz explained. "and half burnt toast to go along with it."

"looks good." biana smiled.

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