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"Okay so...where should we look first?" Blake asked JJ but turned when she received no response

She just saw the boy inspecting an statue. She just walked in silence towards him and tapped his shoulder making him jump.

"Holy hell!" he shouted scared but rolled his eyes when he saw the girl behind him

"Shh! Shut up, shut up" Blake shut him up chuckling

"I hate you so much" JJ glared at her

Blake batted her eyelashes and smirked at him innocently. The girl took a step closer to JJ who just stood there not even moving an inch. Blake looked into his blue eyes and touched his right bicep, her long fingers touching his arm from his shoulder to his hand.

"I'm sure you do" she said smirking

Jj was trying to control himself but what she was doing was not helping at all. He draped an arm around her waist and brought her even closer, their fronts touching each other.

"What the fuck?" Blake was taken off guard when he did that and blused a little. JJ had a smug smirk in his fave which fell when he noticed how Blake started smirking instead.

"What?" Jj asked her

Blake just kept smirking and pushed herself closer to Jj. She grabbed both his arms and lowered them so he was touching her butt instead of her waist. "I think this is not the best place to get excited" she whispered in his ear before getting herself off him leaving a few metres between them

"Let's go. I know where the water is" She said. In reality she had known the water was somewhere near the basement because of the house plan she saw in her house, but she wanted a little of alone time with Jj.

"Did you really? Oh fuck, you are a bitch" JJ groaned

"C'mon, J" Blake smirked looking down at JJ's pants

"Stop doing that!" he called out after her

• • •

"It's the only place we haven't looked" John b tried to convince his friends

"How exactly do you know it's in there?" Pope asked Blake

"Well it's just a theory but the other day my mom left the studio's light on and when I went to turn it off a bunch of this basement's plans were on the table" Blake explained "I thought it was my dad looking for oil or something and since he was arrested my mom is the one inspecting it now but...maybe he wasn't looking for oil" she told them

"You think your dad was looking for the gold too?" John b asked her

"Well you know my dad always wanted more and more money and 400k in gold is attractive for anyone. Plus, your dad worked for him" Blake told him

John b hesitated for a few minutes but then looked at Blake again.

"But all the clues leading to this...your dad didn't appear once" the brunette told her

"Yeah, but that's how he works...hiding, letting other people doing his dirty work" the girl said

"Can you find out more about it?" John b asked her

"I'm already trying" She replied

• • •

"Okay, we're down!" Blake called out when they all got down to the basement

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