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Probably sleeping at The Wreck wasn 't the best idea they could have but still they weren't caught so it was fine. They just wished John b was still safe.

"Well, if we're gonna be outlaws, we might as well help John B" Pope said while Blake took a sip of tje coffee she had prepared

"So, find him before they do?" Jj asked him

"Where are you going?" Blake asked him when she noticed Pope getting the car keys

"I'm gonna get gas for the boat" He replied

"Hey, you be careful" Kie smiled at Pope but he didn't return it.

Blake frowned when she saw the interaction between them, something had definitely happen.

"Meet me at the dock at three. Don't be late" Pope turned to JJ and Blake completely ignoring Kie

Blake walked up to Jj to get some gossip but he was just as clueless as she was. Kie walked after Pope shouting his name leaving JJ and Blake behind drinking coffee and trying to catch up on the Kie and Pope drama.

"I think Pope found out about the John b and Kie kiss" Blake said

"They've like this since yesterday. Before you came they didn't even share a word" JJ told her

"It's weird seeing then fight, we never fight" Blake said referring to the Pogues and how they were never angry at each other and when they were it lasted only for a few hours.

"You and I fight all the time, Blake" The blonde pointed out

"But that's just because we like confrontation, they don't" Blake took a sip of her coffee

The sound of an engine interrupted their conversation. Just above their heads was a helicopter, things were getting worse.

"Who is that?" Jj questioned

"More problems" Blake simply replied looking at the helicopter

• • •

Pope finally left for the boat and Blake got all the gossip she needed from Kie. Turns out Pope had revealed his feelings for Kie while she was talking to Rafe and the girl sent him straight to the friendzone.

"It wasn't really the kind of thing that needed interpretation" Kie said as she collected some food for John b and Sarah "Is that enough food for them?" she wondered

"I mean, for a couple of weeks, and that's all they need, so" JJ replied looking at all the food

"Look, I think I actually hurt his feelings" Kie suddenly admitted

"Look, don't beat yourself up too much. He's completely changed his feels. The past 24 hours have been like Jekyll and Hyde" JJ said as he carried the box filled with food to the car

"And he was higher than the Empire State so I don't think whatever he said that day counts. He even thought I was a Jedi" Blake assured Kie

"I hate to admit it, but I miss the old Pope. At least I knew what to expect from him" Kie told the other two

"Where you been?" Anna, Kie's mom, appeared out of nowhere

"Uh...I'm fine. I slept here" Kie replied

"Well, we were up half the night, scared to death, lookin' for you. Were you even gonna tell us?" Anna asked her daughter angrily

"Well, I'm telling you right now" Kie replied looking at JJ and Blake

"What the hell are you three up to?" Anna asked the three teens

"I'm sorry, Miss Anna, we gotta go" JJ spoke

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