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The Pogues remained silent until they got back to The Château. None of them wanted to comment what just had happened.

On the other hand, they all wanted to know was inside the bag John b had found inside the boat.

"What do you think it is?" Kie asked as they all gathered around the bag

"Gotta be money, right?" John b said

"That or a couple of keys with a street value to the low mild-Mils" JJ said excitedly

"I vote for cash" Blake agreed with John b

"Can we please just open the bag?" Pope asked his friends frustrated making all of them look at him surprised

"Wow Pope, that's a rare outburst of emotion" John b said making the rest laugh

"You guys are killing me with anticipation" Pope told them

John b then carefully opened the bag, but instead of finding money they found another bag like in those lame birthday pranks. Opening the other bag they only found a small golden thing, an old compass.

"Yup, that's about right" Pope groaned "Good job everybody, we found a compass" Obviously Pope didn't like the fact that they literally risked their lives for just a compass

While Pope complained Blake noticed John b examining the compass in detail. Something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" She asked the brunette boy

"This is my father's" John b stated making all the Pogues look at him.

Oh shit.

"How did it end up there?" Blake wondered looking at John b

"I have no idea" He replied still looking at the compass, that probably unlocked a lot of memories

They all stayed silent for a few moments not knowing what to say. John b had just found a clue to where his father was.

"So, we are not going to talk about the fact that some sketchy men almost killed us?" Pope asked trying to change the topic

"Yeah, that was scary" Kie nodded at him

"At least we could see that I'm not the freak with the gun of this group" JJ scoffed making Blake glare at him.

He didn't say that, did he?

"Okay, I'm out of here" Kie said stood up when she saw the look on Blake's face. Shit was going to go down.

"I'll go with you" Pope stood up quickly and joined Kie. No one wanted to watch a fight between JJ and Blake, they would end up involved if they stayed there.

After Kie and Pope left to their homes and John b went inside The Château to keep looking at the compass only JJ and Blake were left at the deck.

"What did you just say to me?" Blake asked him crossing her arms

"You shot that guy! What the hell is going on in your head?" He exclaimed

"I was trying to save all of our asses and hey! I did it. You're welcome, J" she said sarcastically

"You stopped talking to me when I fired the gun into the air! You acted like as if I am fucking crazy and then you shot a man" He told her

"You are not prepared to use a gun. You don't know how to aim or when to shoot, you don't know anything about it" She exclaimed

"Oh and you do!" JJ stated sarcastically

"I was fucking trained, JJ" Blake shouted with rage making the blonde boy stop and look at her

"What did you say?" He turned around

"I was trained when I was young. Me and brother, both" she told him. Nobody knew that, nobody knew what really goes on in the Woods family and there she was, Blake Woods about to spill all her family secrets to a boy she hated at the moment.

"What?" He asked

"Do you think a family like mine made all our money legally?" Blake said sitting down on the hammock

"What are you some kind of mafia?" JJ jokingly asked her

"You would never understand it" Blake sighed "Look J, I just know what happens when you have guns around and when you pulled the gun on Topper and then pointed at me, I just...I don't know" she admitted

"I lost my shit" JJ said sitting down next to her

"What?" Blake asked him

"I completely lost it. I thought Topper was going to fucking drown John b and you know I wouldn't shoot you, never Blake" JJ admitted sitting down next to her

JJ and Blake just stared at each other for a few moments, she didn't know what to do. Could she forgive him? But she got her answer as soon as she looked into his blue eyes, the same ones she had seen all her life, the same ones she had spilled all her secret too, the same ones that had been there for her all her life. She couldn't keep being mad at JJ.

"I'm just worried you'll get hurt" Blake was the first one to break the silence

"I won't. I'll be careful, I promise" JJ said looking straight into her big brown eyes

"That thing could kill you" the brunette pointed out

"And those men on that boat could too and you saved us with the gun" the blonde tried to convince her

"It's just that when I look at you I can't imagine you carrying a gun. I just see that boy I met on the beach a lot of years ago that started teasing me out of nowhere and then became my best friend" Blake smiled remembering when she met JJ

"You wanna know what I see when I look at you?" JJ asked her smiling

"Of course" Blake sat up straight eager to know what he thought about her

"I see all those nights I spent at your house. You always tell me to pick a movie but I don't know how we always end up watching Mamma Mia!" JJ said making Blake laugh. That's her favourite movie. "You'd sing all the songs giving me a headache and just before the movie ends you'd fall asleep making me carry you to your bed" JJ said smiling at the memory. Those nights he spent at Blake's were the moments he felt the most safe and he loved it.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Blake suddenly asked her friend making him smile big


"I was cheated by you and I think you know when" Blake sang loudly making JJ groan "so I made up my mind, it must come to an end" she turned around grabbing a hairbrush to use as microphone "Look at me now, will I ever learn? I don't know how" Blake kneeled down in front of JJ

"But I suddenly lose control" she sang going closer and closer towards JJ "There's a fire within my soul" Blake said dangerously close to JJ face. He smirked when he saw the glance she gave at his lips.

"Just one look and I can hear a bell ring" Blake grabbed JJ's hand and made him stand up

"One more look and I forget everything" she grabbed his biceps pulling him close to her

"Mamma mia, here I go again" JJ grabbed her waist pulling Blake close to him too as she sang

"My my, how can I resist you?" she smiled charmingly at the blonde boy

JJ felt truly happy right then, with Blake singing and dancing around the room like crazy. He didn't think about anything else, not his dad, not anything, it was just Blake and him and he loved it.

• • •

Don't come for me because of how cringy that scene was hahaha I just wanted to give them a cute moment.
Anyway, thank you all for reading, voting commenting...
I really love you all!!
- chanel x

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