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"And we were right outside like this and all we hear is Bam! Bam! Bam!" JJ explained what he, John b and Blake had just witnessed at Ms. Lana's house "Knocking paint off the wall, G! From the inside and I'm just looking at them like. Wait, first off, look at this shit!" JJ exclaimed messing his hair so the tiny bits of paint in it would drop on the table

"That's dandruff, disgusting" Kie scrunched her face in disgust

"Look at all that, all right? That's paint" JJ said pointing at the paint that had fallen off his hair

"Okay J, chill" Blake chuckled seeing how nervous the blonde boy was

"At that point, I was just like...I'm waiting for death" JJ said

"Okay so, you saw the guys that shot at us right?" Pope asked


"And did you get a good description of them? What did they look like?" Pope asked his friends

"Anything" Kie said

"I don't know. They looked like smugglers" Blake simply replied not knowing how to describe those men

"That's a very detailed description, thank you Blake" Kie smiled sarcastically at the girl

"Anything we can bring to a police report?" Pope asked again

"Burly" JJ replied

"Burly?" Pope scoffed

"Yeah" the blonde nodded

"That's not very helpful, either" Kie said

"Okay, well, no, like the type of guy at my dad's garage. I mean, you guys know he made cargo hides for drug smugglers" JJ trailed

"That's 'cause they probably are smugglers" Blake pointed out

"Well, I can tell you with full confidence, these boys, these killers...they're square groupers" JJ stated proudly

"They're square groupers, like narco square groupers?" Pope asked him

"Like Pablo Escobar square groupers" JJ nodded

"Wait no, they looked more like amateur square groupers" Blake corrected JJ

"You guys, not everything is a kingpin movie" Kie interrupted the conversation between her three friends

"What does this square grouper look like? Specifically?" Pope asked once again

"We couldn't get a good look, Pope" Blake replied

"You don't know what to look for" Pope looked between Blake and JJ

"Dude! I wasn't taking little mental Polaroids the entire time, I was under duress" JJ exclaimed clearly stressed out

"Okay, sit down" Blake said patting the space next to her motioning JJ to sit down

"But I can tell you by the way Ms. Lana was screaming...that these guys are serious hombres, man. It's a heavy vibe right now, okay?" JJ said sitting down next to Blake putting his arm on the back of the couch round Blake's shoulders

"Okay so, why do they want the compass?" Kie asked the group

"It's a piece of shit" Pope said making everyone turn to look at him "you couldn't pawn it off for five bucks if you wanted to. No offence, I know it's in your family" Pope said looking at John B, who had been exceptionally quiet the whole time

"The office" The brunette suddenly said

• • •

"I've slept here over 600 times and I've never seen this door opened" Pope stated as the group got into Big John's office

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