Chapter 46: Mom's in Charge

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 Chapter 46

Mom’s in Charge

The front door open, and I pressed into Titus’s side. My father’s eyes narrowed in on us.

“What is he doing here?” he muttered.

“Popcorn is ready!” sang my mother as she slipped past my father. “Oh Quint, you’re home.” She handed the bowl to us and went to give my father a kiss on the check. “Did you figure everything out at the office?”

“The rest can wait until Monday.” His eyes remained on Titus.

“Well they better be paying overtime,” she laughed.

My boyfriend was clearly ignoring my dad and kept watching the movie. He grabbed a handful of popcorn and tossed it into his mouth. I just sat there, waiting to see how this was going to end.

“Karen, what is he doing here?”

My mother grabbed his arm. “Well after I picked up Aden from tutoring, I thought why not have him invite Titus’s over. Aden’s worked hard all week, spending some time with his boyfriend would be fun. They texted each other all day anyways.”

“Boyfriend?” said my father wide eyed. “I told Aden no boys until he graduates.”

“You’re being silly, dear.” She led him toward the kitchen. “I had a chat with Titus’s father. Such a nice man, and he thought it was fine. Oh, I also invited them to Thanksgiving, so we can get to know Titus’s whole family.”

My father groaned. My mother continued to talk about her recent book she found, to the sound of pans and plates being moved around.

I laid my head against Titus’s shoulder. “What did she say to your dad to get him to agree to this?”

Titus shook his head. “I don’t know. He just stood there the whole time trying to talk, but could never get it a word in. Then he said okay a couple times, and hung up. After that, he gave me back my cell phone and told me I could come visit.” He sunk into his seat. “I really like your mom. Makes up for your dad’s constant death glare.”

I punched his arm.

“Aw,” he glanced over me. “I might be a werewolf, but I still bruise.”

I raised an eyebrow as he gave me the look of an angry puppy. “Your dad is protective of you, and my dad’s protective of me.”

“Yeah, mine kept rogues from eating me as a pup; yours attacks boys who get to close. It’s so much alike.”

Smiling, I nodded. “Glad you think so too.” I leaned back against him.

Titus slid his arm free and put it around my shoulder.

I gave him an unimpressed look. “I did not hit you that hard.”

“It’s tender.” He grabbed another handful of popcorn. “We need this back home.” He glanced around the room. “We need a lot of his back home. Human sure do have a lot of cool stuff.”

“Says the man driving all the fancy cars.”

“Those are pack cars. I have to get permission from my dad to use them.”

“I bet you always do.”

He shrugged. “Perk to being the son of the alpha.”

“Still, you have a lot of nice things. I cleaned up the disaster you had exploding out of your room.”

“That’s just normal stuff. My dad keeps the computer and any cell phone, except mine, locked up. Most of the pack hasn’t even used a computer or phone before.”

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