Chapter 34: Soggy Lunch

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Chapter 34

Soggy Lunch

Chris kept a grip on my arm as he led the way to his truck. Katy climbed into the passenger seat as I sat between Andrew and Jack in the backseat. Chris started up the engine. Holding my bookbag to my chest, I rested my head on it.

"Where do you guys want to go?" asked Chris

They started naming off fast food places. I remained quiet and stared at the floor. My stomach was turning. The last thing I wanted was greasy food. I was already feeling sick.

"Let's do Wendy's," said Katy.

"That's pretty far," I said softly.

They turned to me, even Chris was eyeing me in the rearview mirror.

I shifted. "It's just... will we get back in time?"

"Yeah," muttered Chris. He smiled at Katy. "Wendy's it is."

I sunk back against the seat. The boys started talking football, while Katy texted on her phone. I really wanted to go home. I didn't belong with them; I couldn't fake it anymore.

We pulled up to the drive through.

"I just want a frosty," said Katy, still typing away on her phone.

"Andrew, Jack?" Chris turned around in his seat.

They each gave him a number. Chris looked at the menu, resting his elbow on the side of the door. "What about you, Aden?

"I don't want anything," I replied.

"Hurry up and choose. We're up next," he muttered.

I shook my head. "I don't have any money with me."

"I'll treat you," said Chris. "Pick something."

"One," I said quickly. "I'll take number one."

Chris sighed and pulled forward. He gave them our orders and pulled to the window. Andrew and Jack handed Chris some changed as he gave the attendant his card. I'll pay him back tomorrow. Owing Chris a favors sounded like a bad situation. If I asked, my mom would give me ten dollars.

"Thanks." Chris grabbed the bags and handed them to Katy.

She went through them and handed them back Jack and Andrew's food. She ate her frosty with the rest of the bags on her lap. The thought of asking for it lingered in my mind, but I didn't have the courage to do it.

Chris pulled into a parking spot in front of a park. Reaching over, he grabbed the bags and drink holder, before climbing out. Andrew opened the door and stepped out. He nodded his head at me. I slid out and put my bookbag on. I followed Chris to a picnic table. I sat across from him as he emptied the bags. He took a sip from his drink and ate a couple fries.

"What have you been up to lately, Aden?"

I shrugged and picked at the splintered wood.

He unwrapped his burger and took a couple bites. I just watched.

"Kinda turned into a loner since the summer." He took a drink. "Don't see you talking to anymore at school."

"It's fine," I said softly. "I stay busy enough."

"Still seeing that one guy. Titus, right?" He tossed a few fries in his mouth. "Man, he was an ass."

I shrugged again. "He's not that bad."

He ate in silence for a moment. Wiping off his face, he looked in the bag. "Oh I forgot, your food." Chris pulled it out the burger and unwrapped it. Taking the container of fries, he dumped them on top.

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