Chapter 36: No Sex

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~This chapter has an unedited version with a sexually explicit scene, which can be read for free on Radish Fiction, or on Wattpad in The Nitty Gritty which can be found on my profile~

Chapter 36

No Sex

I woke to rain pounding on the roof. Lightning light up my room. Pulling the cover to my chin, I tried to go back to sleep. The noise outside was getting louder. I sunk deeper into the blankets. The banging didn't stop.

Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes. A face appeared behind the glass.

"Titus?" I threw off the blankets and hurried to the window. Throwing it open, I moved to the side as he climbed inside.

"You're soaking wet," I said, closing the window.

"I was worried." He pulled me into his arms. "My dad got a phone call for yours." He tightened his hold on me. "I so sorry, Aden. I didn't mean for anyone to find out."

"It's just as much my fault," I whispered. "I wanted to see you too."

We parted, and I forced a smile.

"I'll get some towels." I crept from my room to the bathroom. Grabbing a bundle, I hurried back.

Titus took them and started rubbing his hair dry. He slipped off his shorts. I picked them up and went back to the bathroom. I rang them out in the sink and put them over the edge of the tub. When I returned, Titus was sitting on the bed, staring out the window.

He smiled at me. "Come here."

I hurried over and sat down at his side.

Titus pulled me closer. "Are you doing okay?"

I shrugged. "I'll handle it." I rang my shirt in my hands. "I punched Chris in the face."

Laughing, Titus kissed the side of my head. "I wish I could have seen it."

I leaned into him. "I wish no one else had."

He tightened his hold on me. "You're all wet."

"It's your fault."

"Yes it is," he laughed.

Titus lifted my shirt over my head. I took off my pants as well and moved with him to the corner. He propped up a pillow behind him as I laid on his chest. Pulling the covers over our bodies, Titus draped an arm around my waist.

"When do you have to leave?" I whispered.

"I'm thought we could have a sleepover." His hand rose to my shoulder, and he leaned down to kiss the top of my head. "It's been awhile."

"Yeah," I breathed. "What about your dad?"

"Either way he's going to be here in the morning to talk with your dad. I'm already in trouble, whether I stay or not."

I scooted further up and rested my head on his shoulder. Thunder sounded outside and lightning flashed soon after. I curled into Titus.

"That's pretty close," he laughed.


"Are you scared?" He glanced down at me.

"No," I muttered. "It's just loud." Thunder banged through the room again. I hugged Titus tightly.

He laughed softly in my ear. "Are you sure, Aden?"

"I've had a horrible day, so don't mess with me."

Chuckling, he kissed my cheek. I sat up and pressed my lips to his. He grabbed the back of my head and pulling me into him. We sunk down under the covers, still kissing one another. His hand slipped lower. I arched into him and deepened our kiss. We parted to catch our breath.

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