Chapter 62: Touchy at Times

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Chapter 62

Touchy at Times

I could feel my engagement ring pressed against my skin as I sat in my government class. The teacher was in the middle of a review. Chris had returned to school that day as well, and by the way he was acting, he was going to follow the principal's rules. He hadn't even looked at me once. 

I doodled along the edges of my study guide. Never thought I'd be upset about him ignoring me, but I wanted him to notice that something was missing. The bell rang, and the teacher yelled his final instructions over the sounds of us gathering our things. 

"So I heard you wedding was called off," said the girl beside me. "You're not wearing your ring either." She raised an eyebrow.

Her friends gathered around, waiting an answer.

I nodded. "Things weren't working out, so we called it off."

They all sighed.

"Sorry about that Aden."

I shrugged. "It's fine. Not much I can do about it." Slipping past them, I stepped into the hall and went to my locker. I hoped that was enough for the message to spread and make its way to Chris. This was going to work. It had to work, or dealing with a moody Titus would have been pointless.


I stood outside the school waiting for my mom at the end of the day, feeling conflicted. Chris hadn't said a word. I even purposely gave him a chance to say something, by standing around my locker as he waited for Katy, and still nothing. He didn't notice, or didn't care. Plenty of other people had asked me about it, just not the one bastard I wanted to confirm he knew about the break up.

My mom's car pulled up to the curb. I opened the door and climbed inside. 

"How was school?" She started down the road.

I shrugged. "Fine."

"Did it work?"

"I don't know," I sighed, rubbing my forehead. "He ignored me all day. Other people asked about it, so he's had to at least heard."

"He's dating Katy," said my mother. "He'd heard about it."

I slipped down in my seat. "I just wanted to hear it from him, to be sure."

"Maybe he's doing as the principal instructed," she eyes me as we waited at a stop sign. "Something you're also supposed to be doing."

"I didn't talk to him," I retorted. "It just would suck if I was doing all of this for nothing."

"Titus still not talking to you?"

"He is, but it one or two word replies if that," I muttered. "He pissed at me."

"Well men can be touchy at times."

I glanced at her with a sour look on my face. I don't think she only meant Titus. 


I sat in my last hour class of my new trimester. My last trimester, but I was annoyed. The principal had made sure Chris and I were kept separated, so I had lost what little chance I had to interact with him. 

Glancing down at the syllabus, I tried to find another blank space to doodle. It was probably a good sign Chris was ignoring me. I could only hope he had developed some new obsession. I chewed on my fingernail. He had succeeded in breaking us up, maybe that's all he wanted to do. 

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