Chapter 37: Cell Phone

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Chapter 37

Cell Phone

Waiting for our fathers to return was going to end in me having a panic attack. Even Titus looked a little worried.

"Aden," called my father. "Can both of you come in here, please."

I slowly stood and trudged behind Titus into the kitchen. We sat down at the table with our fathers' eyes fixed on us.

"First off, Aden," said my dad. "You're grounded. Phone and laptop are mine. After we're done talking you can go get them."

I sighed. "'kay."

"Titus," said Xavier.

"Yes, sir," said my boyfriend, hopefully.

"We'll be going over the extent of your punishment at home." He eyed his son. "It's not going to be pleasant, Titus. You know clearly well I don't tolerate disobedience, even when it's my own son." The alpha folded his arms. "I expect you to be an example to the pack. This level of disregard for pack rules will not happen again. Understood?"

"Yes, alpha," said Titus lowly.

Xavier took a deep breath. "Was the arrangement unfair, yes, but as the alpha and your father, I have a right to make those choices, and I stand by them. You should have obeyed, Titus. Now look what happened to Aden because of you. This is your fault."

Titus's shoulders dropped forward as he sunk deeper into his seat.

"I'm demoting you."

My boyfriend's mouth fell open. "Dad?"

"One month as a middle rank, Titus. No hunting party and you'll be put on clean up duty. Once we get back to the cave, you'll find out the rest." He clenched his jaw.

"Yes Alpha," Titus whispered.

"Quint and I have spoken, and we've decided on a new agreement."

We both peeked up at our dads.

The alpha took a deep breath. "I will be getting you a personal phone."

My boyfriend's head shot up with a big smile plastered across his face. "Really?"

Xavier nodded. "You won't be getting it until your punishment is over, and the only person you're allowed to talk is to Aden."

I flopped down in my chair. I just lost my phone for who knows how long. My head rolled toward my father. "How long am I grounded?"

"Three weeks," stated my father. "And not a day sooner, so don't even try it. If this cell phone thing keeps you from running off to the woods with him, then we'll try it out." He glared at Titus. "No calls past eleven. Am I understood? You'll not be keeping my son up all night. This privilege can be taken away, so both of you remember that."

Titus nodded. "Eleven o'clock. Got it."

"Alright Titus," said Xavier. "There's a bag of clothes in the trunk of the car. Go change, I have other things I need to do today." He turned to my father. "We'll call you later to get Aden's number."

Titus flashed me a grin as he leaned over and kissed me hard. "Expected a phone call in one month exactly." He hurried from the house with my father sending death glares at him.

I covered my mouth and laughed hesitantly when my father turned to me. "It was just a kiss, dad."


Xavier squeezed my father's shoulder as he passed. "I'm glad I only have sons."

My mouth fell open. The alpha gave me a smirk and left the house.

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