Chapter 2

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The Trial:

Me and Romeo had court today, the ever awaiting moment of us finally being judged in front of everyone.

The lawyers, the judge, the prosecutor, witnesses and the victims family.

Feeling the cool metal of the handcuffs against my wrists, I tugged faintly against the tightness of it.

Every time I moved my arms, the sharp binding would cut into my skin, leaving a dull red mark to blossom over my already scarred wrists.

I didn't mind the sudden pain, I just wanted something to keep my mind preoccupied as the long hours ticked by.

After me and my partner in crime had been arrested, they had put us in separate holding cells and then eventually moved us to our own interrogation rooms.

They had told me to stay here until they were ready to take us to the trial, we had already been questioned by the police.

They already had their answers of course, it was plain as day that I killed Margo Silversteen, an older forty year old who worked as a simple office worker.
Sighing loudly, I laid my head in my hands and leaned onto the table, my black hair curling around me like a black hole.

The dark grey room was empty, except for the chair and table placed in the middle, the metallic chair uncomfortable beneath me.

"Ugh" I groaned, my mind twisting with thoughts, my blood boiling in my veins.

Anger had already consumed me, it had wrapped it's sharp claws around my heart and stuck to my body like a parasite.

I couldn't believe it was a set up, the whole thing was just a ruse to get me arrested.

To get the secret organization I worked for brought out into the open but our enemies still messed up.

They had only found me and Romeo, just two young adults breaking into some random woman's home to kill her.

The police knew nothing yet and it was going to stay that way.

The door opened with a loud click as numerous cops came in and huddled around me, their rough hands grabbing at me and pulling me to my feet.

"Hey, hey! Watch it!" I growl as one of the men yank my arm upwards, his large hand curling around my bicep.

"Shut up and start walking" He hisses back as we exit out of the small room and into a long hallway, my feet trying to catch up as they rush me towards the courtroom.

I fought back the urge to bite the aggressive man's ear as my hands were still tied together, the only thing I could do to hurt him in some way.

It would be a stupid idea but the sane part of my brain was clouded by the chaos of a sudden fight, the exhilarating feeling pushing it's way around me.

"Keep walkin!" The cop left me shouted in my ear, snapping me out of my urge for violence. 

I bit the inside of my mouth as we finally entered the courtroom, its big doors creaking open in the quiet room.

All eyes looked up at me, the victims family's faces twisted with mourning and flashes of anger.

I forced myself not to look right at them, I didn't want to seem too cocky or selfish to the judges in hopes of getting a shorter sentence.

Being pushed into my chair in front of the judge, I slightly smiled at the sight of Romeo next to me.

Even though he wasn't the one who pulled the trigger, he was still there to watch, which would probably give him less time in prison.

Manslaughter and watching someone die were two different things.

"Order!" The judge called from above as he brought down the gavel, his booming deep voice echoing through the tall room.

I looked over at Romeo to see his hands neatly folded on the table, his face showing no emotion.

I looked over at Romeo to see his hands neatly folded on the table, his face showing no emotion

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I decided to copy him, trying to keep by face straight as possible.

"Alright, we are here today for the murder of Margo A Silversteen, who was killed on the night of March 5th, 2004" He states as the prosecutor stands up and walks to the front of the room, his stride confident.

"Silversteen was found with a shot in the back of the head, the bullet killing her instantly. Blood was seen splattered around her bed covers and over the wall" as he says this, he walks over to the large TV screen and an image of the crime scene pops up, getting a frightened gasp from the family.

"Vira Romano and Tyler Miller were found in the same apartment room that she was dead in, the body still warm on the bed. Miller's gun was still fully loaded, while Romano's had one bullet missing. This concludes that Miss Romano was the one to shoot Silversteen, as all evidence leans towards her." He states as a picture of my gun shows on the screen.

 I shifted uncomfortably in my chair at the mention of one of my false names, the one where I wasn't yet familiar with. 

I had to always get to know the name first, wear it around and give it to people, trying to form who that character is.

 Her personality and style, how she was treated growing up. I had numerous documents on each personality, giving one of the fake ones to the police. 

My license was even fake, made by the finest criminal. Even though I was known by many names, the people I worked with knew me by Cherry or Cherry Bomb. 

I was lucky enough to have no fingerprints as all over my hands were torn with scars and burns.  

"The bullets also matched the type of gun she was carrying, which was different from Miller's".

A muffled sob from the mother cries out, her face shoved in the crook of her husband's neck.

"Shhh, its okay..." he murmurs as he smoothed over her frizzy hair, tears rolling down his eyes as well.

I try not to roll my eyes as I look back to see the scene, the show of emotion making me uncomfortable.

This was going to be a long day.

AN: Just a little bit of the trial before we get the actual story! There will be more flashbacks to this but next chapter I'll focus more on Litchfield. Luv yall 💓

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