Chapter 18

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Something New:

With Nicky staring at me, a small smile on her lips, waiting patiently on what to do next, my whole world seems to collapse.

I've had these thoughts about girls before: wanting to hold their hand, wanting to kiss them, etc.

But to see a girl that way is wrong, right?

Before the assassin group found me, I was always taught that liking the same gender was wrong and a sin.

I remember how the the cult like leaders would lecture us about the Bible as they trained us.

It was ironic in a way, telling us that being gay was a skin while teaching us how to use a gun.

I was raised to become a killer, to become the world's best assassin, while at the same time being taught the values of what a good women should be like.

Years later, after being saved, I realized that the whole operation was rooted in a century old cult.

Lucky me (not).

So, standing here in front of Nicky, with the sudden urge to kiss her, my past trauma still yells at me that I'm sinning.

But who cares if I am sinning? I've killed so many people, I think I'm already going to hell whether if I'm going to kiss a girl or not.

"You should probably take a shower, clean off any more syrup" Nicky says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

The deep rasp in her voice makes my heart beat faster and I can't help but get lost in it.

I swallow, "yeah, probably."

She nods her head, "I'll be out here with your new jumpsuit. I don't know how much time we have left, so, be quick."

I give her a short smile, take a towel and head into the closest shower.

Most of my skin was clean but somehow some of the syrup seeped through my jumpsuit and stuck to my shoulders and chest.

Sighing, I peel off my bra and underwear, and flinch as the cold water pours down over me.

"You okay?" Nicky calls and I realize that I let out a hiss of discomfort.

"Uh, yeah, just cold" I respond with a forced chuckle.

She hums but doesn't say anything else.

Putting my hair under the water, I comb through the strands, frowning as the syrup still stubbornly sticks to it.

Shit, I might need to cut my hair.

"Nicky, do you have any scissors? I might need to cut my hair."

I hear her shuffle, "uh, I don't think they allow inmates to carry scissors, safety and all that shit. Sorry, hun."

I bite my lip, trying to not think about how she just called me hun.

"Uh, how about a shaving razor?" I ask instead.

"A shaving razor? Cherry, how are you gonna cut your hair with that?" She laughs but her tone strains with concern.

"Just see if you can find one, I'll be out soon."

She sighs and mutters something under her breath.

"Fine, hold on."

I grin, hearing Nicky rummage around in the bathroom.

Scrubbing my hair for the last time, I shut the water off.

Wrapping a towel around myself, I step out of the shower.

Nicky comes out of the shower a few down from mine, a wide smile on her face as she holds up a shaving razor.

"Found this hidden, its your lucky day."

"Thanks, I owe you big time...For all of this" I gesture my hands upwards.

Nicky waves her hand, "nah, its fine. My motto is you gotta pay me back unless you get doused in syrup, so, lucky you."

I laugh but it comes out more like a girlish giggle.

"Uh, here's the razor" Nicky says, handing me it.

Grasping the tiny pink shaving razor in one hand, I go to stand infront of a mirror, my other hand tugging at a sticky strand.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Nicky asks behind me.

I smile wide, "Oh, you know me darling, nothing I do is a good idea.

She blushes and I can't help but like the way her pale cheeks light up against her skin.

With a deep breath, I angle the tip of the razor and start hacking at my hair.

Surprisingly it works, even when its cutting through thick syrup.

"You gonna style it or something?" Nicky asks nervously, her eyes watching my quick movements.

I can't tell if she's anxious because I'm cutting my hair with a shaving razor or that I'm holding one in the first place.

"Don't know" I reapond as a strand of hair falls onto the sink counter.

Two minutes go by and my hair is now a choppy, medium length mess.

But somehow it works, the sharp angles of my bangs create a more edgier look that screams 'I'm crazy, watch out'.

I scoop up my hair and dump it in the trash.

Turning around, Nicky gasps, her lips etching into a smile.

"Is it that bad?" I ask.

"Not at all...Wow, your somehow even more beautiful than before."

I blink, my mind trying to process her words, her compliment.

Instead of getting lost in embarrassment and blushing like a school girl, I hide it with an annoyed eye roll.

"Oh shut up" I snickered and lightly push her.

"Can't help what I like, hun."

Groaning, I take my jumpsuit from her hands and go to change inside a dry shower.

When I step back out, freshly clean and in a new jumpsuit, the bell rings above us.

"Time for laundry duty" Nicky sighs.

"I'm just glad I'm de syruped."

"Is that even a word?" Nicky asks with an eyebrow raise.

"It is now."

We both laugh as we make our way out of the bathroom, our shoulders occasionally bumping into each other as we walk down the hallway.

But I don't mind.

AN: Sorry, this chapter is probably terrible..I wanted to get something out before my birthday cause I'll be busy. I'm turning 18 yall, I'm finally an adult ugh...Im so scared for college. writing this is distracting myself from the constant anxiety that I'm feeling. Well anyways, like and comment please!

Cherry Bomb (Orange is the New Black fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt