Chapter 19

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A plan: 

it has been a week since the syrup incident, but my mood was somehow improved ever since that happened. Sure, being soaked in moldy gross syrup wasn't fun but the aftermath had opened something new between me and Nicky. 

Since the day in the bathroom where she helped me clean off, her fingertips skimming my shoulders as she washed them off, the way her eyes lingered on my body and face. 

How we were inches apart, our lips so close. The air had felt electric and thick simultaneously; if I had taken a breath at that moment I would have choked. 

Yet we didn't take the chance, even though we both knew at that moment how much we wanted it. 

Sighing, I flip through the book I've been pretending to read and finally put it down on my top bunk. It was free time, so I was spending it sitting on my bed, bored out of my mind. 

Nicky had something to do, so I was stuck being alone. We had been spending a lot of time together, even though I say all the time how much I don't want to.

I whine and argue with her, but I think she knows I secretly like hanging out with her, so that's why she keeps up with all my bullshit. 

But I can't get too attached, who knows how long I'll have in here? If one of the higher ups get me out, leaving Nicky will be harder than it should be. 

A guard comes into the room, shaking me out of my thoughts. "Someone's here to see you, come with me" She barks. 

My eyebrow raises, "Really? Me?" 

She scowls, "Just shut up and follow me." 

I shrug and jump down from my top bunk and follow as the guard leads me down one of the hallways.

We stop in front of one of the meeting rooms, a place where inmates are able to have, they're once a week get together with their friends and loved ones. 

I go through a door and a guard pats me down. Numerous tables filled with inmates and families sit and talk, some crying while others argue. 

A man ushers me over and I sit across from him, my lips trying to hide the smile that's forming. 

His face is round and his hair curly as glasses perch on the tip of his nose. Even though a lot of features have been changed, I still recognize him. 

"Why, hello. Fancy meeting you here" I say and rest my hand on my cheek. 

"I'm sorry it's been so long, Cherry Bomb, it has been much trouble trying to get to you," he says, switching to Greek.

I crack my neck and deadpan, "It's okay, no rush. I love being trapped in a woman's prison." 

He frowns, "You and your humor." 

He shakes his head, "To get you out of here, you need to do a job first. Mr. Healey is your target." 

My eyes widen, "really? That's all?" I bite the inside of my cheek, giddy at the idea of killing that misogynistic asshole. 

"The plan is that once you get caught, you will be transported to another prison. A cop in charge of that will be someone from our group and safely bring you back to our base. We've already paid off some people, so there's no need to worry about the whole transfer. No one will know you aren't actually at a new prison. Got it?"

I giggle, "Yes, sir!" 

He nods and places his hand on the table, palm down. I put my hand on top of his and it quickly forms into a handshake, our hands blocking the small razor he lays onto my palm. 

I slide the into the back of my shoe, a small, thin thing that no one will notice. 

"I hope to see you again, Vira," he says and gives me a curt nod before he leaves. 

"Times up!" A guard yells and I go back through the door, a guard patting me down. 

When the guard reaches my socks, his fingers skim over the material, the razor so thin that it leaves no indents. 

"Clear!" The guard yells and shoos me away. 

Smiling, I make my way back toward my room. 

I'm back in business, baby! 


AN: It's been a while, I know...

I've started college and it's been kicking me in the ass. I really hate it and my mental health has been so bad, I've been relapsing a lot. I did get another puppy so that has really helped me mentally! Anyway, hope you liked this chapter!!

Also thinking of making a TMNT fanfic! Anyone interested in that?

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