Chapter 6

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Squat and cough:

The van came to a slowed stop as it parked at the entrance of the prison.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as the doors slid open.

"Alright, let's go" Morello exclaims with a sigh as the guard pushes us out, her hand roughly pushing my back.

As we walked, other inmates yelled and whistled around us, all of them wearing the same dull colored uniforms.

I held my head up high and smirked at the crude remarks one taunted at me, as Chapman looked around frantically with wide, scared eyes.

With the buzz of the front door, Morello came face to face with an older looking woman.

She had short grey hair and a serious look on her face, "Hello, Miss Claudette", The older woman didn't show any sign of greeting except for a "Morello" and walking away.

I assumed she was well respected in the prison or someone to not mess with.

"Watch out for that one" Morello started to tell us, "Don't get me wrong, she's a good lady..but you don't want to get on her bad side.."

Chapman nodded intensely, her blonde hair bouncing up and down.

Walking further into the building, "Okay, I'm gonna send you all through to processing. You'll get your room assignments, and I'll meet you back here and show you your bunks. Okay?" Morello adds.

A couple minutes go by and we all get put through processing one at a time.

I was to go last, Chapman being the one to go before me.

Shifting my feet, I walk into a small room when my name is called.

A female guard tells me to stand in the middle of the room as she locks the door, her stern eyes watching my every move.

I cross my arms against my chest and wait for the inevitable.

She puts on blue latex gloves, "take off your clothes" she barks

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She puts on blue latex gloves, "take off your clothes" she barks.

I try not to flinch at the demand, I knew it was going to happen.

I knew I would have to go through this from the last times I were in prison.

With a straight face I start taking off my orange jumpsuit that I had worn in court.

The guard was looking over paperwork as I had finally taken off everything, the cold air causing goosebumps to raise on my arms.

"Okay, sit and squat-" The guard turned and finally spoke but stopped with wide eyes.

"Oh, Jesus. What happened to you?" She remarked rudely, her mouth turning in a grimace.

I sighed as I turned around, the pit in my stomach growing.

She was talking about the marks all over my body, the deep scars and burns that stain my naturally tan skin.

Large and small gashes cover my arms and legs, their content leaving behind deep red scars.

Some were deeper than others while some were a faint pink.

A deep maroon colored burn curled up my hip and across the right side of my stomach.

Most people had her reaction to my skin, the sheer quantity of the cuts making any normal person nauseous and disturbed.

Not all of it was done by me, though.

Finally, I squatted as she told me to cough.

After she was done humiliating me, she told me to put on my new clothes.

Her eyes still scan over my body, her head shaking with disgust.

"People like you need to be put in a mental hospital, somewhere far away where crazy like you can't hurt others or yourself" she says with a sigh as I get done changing.

With her comment, my mouth turns into a snarl.

I could kill her right now, it was just the two of us alone in this small room.

But of course there were the other guards outside the door and the guns hand ready in their holsters.

I felt suddenly vulnerable without my guns or knives, my body being the only weapon I have left.

But I know how to fight and I'm going to prove everyone wrong, that I'm not just some new inmate people can push around.

I was a trained killer, not some low life criminal.

I wasn't going to let some guard get on my nerves.

AN : I had to put this scene in cause I thought it would describe Cherry more, especially her appearance. Hope yall are liking this so far! Like and comment tysm!! 🖤🖤🖤

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