Chapter 21

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A Grave Mistake:

Minutes pass by in a messy blur. My hands are covered in sticky blood, and I can feel the liquid starting to dry. It digs under my nails and latches onto my skin, getting into every crease. 

I'm surrounded by my inmates, about five of them circle around me, their faces painted with noticeable fear and confusion. A body lays on the ground, right next to me, her face inches away from the metal leg of a table. 

The table was the thing that I slammed her eye on. That's right, it all comes back to me in a strange, slow wave, its currents muddy and weak. 

Someone is speaking to me, but I don't hear it, her raspy voice lost in the TV static in my ears. I look back down at the body, she's still alive. She withers on the floor and grasps her ruined eye with a mangled scream. 

She tries to get up, but she falls back down with a loud thud and a hiss. I can't see her eye, it's just a mush of skin and blood in her socket. 

"Cherry?? Cherry?" The same voice calls again and this time I can make out the words, that familiar sound grounding me back to earth. 

"Nicky...? What, what did I do?" I giggle and spread my hands out, stretching the blood stuck between my fingers. 

Before she can respond, two guards rush into the laundry room, guns raised. "What is going- What the Hell??" One of the guards exclaims and chokes back a gag with a hand over her mouth. 

"It was Cherry! She killed Doggett!" An inmate screeches with a sob. The guard turns to me, gun pointing, and grabs me by the shoulder. 

She squeezes hard and pulls me backward, "Looks like you're going to isolation!" 

Her gun grazes the side of my head as she drags me out the door with her. The other guard stays behind and tries to calm down the inmates, especially Doggett's friends, who all look shell-shocked as they stare down at their beaten and bruised friend. 

My instincts all come rushing back to me and I twist, grabbing the hand that's holding the gun. The guard shrieks as the gun rattles to the floor, giving me time to hook my leg around her knee and kick. She tumbles and I grab her hand, pulling it behind her back as I pin her to the ground. 

Hands wrap around my back, the other guard trying to get me to stop. I spin around fast, the back of my hand hitting her hard against the cheek, causing her to stumble back.

The other guard stares, holding her red cheek as I kick her partner straight across the face, rendering her unconscious. 

"Oh, my God! Cherry, what the Hell are you doing?" Nicky yells, her eyes watching the chaotic scene playing out Infront of her. 

I turn towards Nicky's voice and see her wide eyes watching me. A huge mistake as the last guard calls for backup immediately. 

"No, no..." I say, shaking my head as four more guards rush into the room, all guns aimed at me. "This wasn't supposed to happen..." I mummer to myself, my hands shaking as they yell at me to put my hands up in the air. 

The biggest guard tackles me to the ground and in the process my head hits the floor, knocking me out instantly. 

-------------------------------------------------------TIME SKIP----------------------------------------------------

My time spent in isolation was to say the least, not fun. I'm usually okay with being locked in small rooms due to my training. I had to be prepared for anything, no matter how severe the situation may be. 

The being alone was the worst part of it. Having to sit alone in a small, white walled room for days took a toll on my mental health. There were no windows, the only light being the artificial lamp that hung from the ceiling, illuminating the room in an unnatural bright white. 

They didn't give me time to wash my hands, nor did they bring me a washcloth to clean it with.  I would only get food once a day with a small, cup of water. I didn't want to waste any drop, as that was my only cup a day, so the blood on my skin never got washed.

By the fourth day, my hands hurt from the rawness of the dried blood. All I could feel was the blood on my skin, underneath my nails and intertwined with the grooves in my fingerprints. 

I can't even imagine the satisfaction that Mr. Healy must be feeling right now. How smug he must look when he found out that I was getting thrown into isolation for a month. 

For a whole pain staking, fucking month. 

God, how I missed Nicky. I wanted to hear her addicting raspy voice again. Wanted to hear her sweet, loud laugh that would fill the walls of the cafeteria and watch as she bundles over with laughter. 

The smudged eyeliner and full, red lips. Her frizzy blonde hair that curled around her shoulders. How I've always wanted to twirl a golden strand around my fingers and pull her in close, close enough so both our lips can meet. 

My hands slide down my face and scrunch up in fists at my side. I'm sitting in the corner of my cell, the tick marks I've made on the wall reading twenty-nine in my own blood.

I didn't have any pencil or anything sharp to cut grooves into the brick, so I had to get creative. Spitting enough on the dried blood would wet it enough to use as DIY paint. 

It was gross, the metallic taste of blood coating my tongue was very unpleasant, but I had to count my days, or I'd lose it in here. 

One more day, one more slow day, I would finally get out of here and do my job.  My superiors are defiantly not happy with me, delaying the kill for a whole month. 

How stupid of me to lose my cool, especially right in front of Nicky.  I shake my head; I have to stop thinking this way about her. 

As soon as tomorrow comes, I'm going to kill Mr. Healy. Then, I'd leave this prison for good, never to see anyone here again. 

So, I have to forget Nicky. I can't let these weird feelings fester anymore, I have to clear my head and focus on the thing that matters the most. 

Killing my target. 


Hi, sorry for not posting in forever... 

A lot has happened, plus it's midterms time ugh. My mom has a really bad concussion and I've been really stressed and worried over it. Plus, I'm living with a verbally abusive drug addict, so...

ANYWAY-Hope you enjoy! Please like and comment! I always appreciate it! 

Love yall and bye! :)

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