Chapter 27- Witching

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Repost for those who didn't see it when I posted it late last night. 


When I walked into my father's office the witch was already there. 

The two were laughing about one thing or another and when I opened the door my father turned my way. 

"Alarik, come on in."

He seemed happier than I'd seen him in a while. It was an odd sight to see him laughing like that. Especially with a witch. It wasn't that werewolves and witches didn't get along or anything, we just didn't really associate much with them. In fact, I don't think I know a single witch myself. 

"This is Zachary Brin."

I shook the man's proffered hand, shaking it firmly. 

"It's nice to finally meet you, Alarik. Your father has told me much about you."

"Did he now?" My voice came out sounding less sure than I'd intended. I wasn't entirely comfortable with what my father may have to say about me. I was also slightly wary of anyone that my father may be good friends with. 

My father had a darker side to him, one he'd passed down to me. One that I'd vowed to step away from because of Allison. I was worried that his friends may harbor a similar trait. I was also generally skeptical about witches. 

Werewolves were one thing. It was in our genetic make up. Witches were something completely different altogether though. They were able to do magic. Granted, magic was helpful in some situations, such as bringing two packs together. But I was leery of magic use. 

 "All good things," he said with a toothy grin.

I tried to return the gesture, but I'm not sure if I succeeded.

"My father believes you can bring the two packs together. Can you?" I asked getting straight to business.

"Not by myself," the witch's smile fades. "But I know people who can help me."

"And what exactly would it entail?"

"There's a spell of sorts. One that my fellow magic users would assist me in. We can do just about anything you would need. What were you thinking?"

I glanced at my father. He was watching me intently. It was slightly unsettling. 

"I was hoping to get a common place for both packs to merge. A place that's equel distance between the two. There's already a house set up that I would like to be the center."

"I would need to look around the other pack. Get a feel for the layout and determine how best to combine them. Do you have an idea of how you would like it to look when everything's complete?"


"Great. If you could give me a print of what you envision and if I can look around the other pack then I think we can get a solid foundation for this. When are you looking to have this done by."

"When I hand the pack over to my son," my father says finally speaking up. "We were thinking of doing it on the same day. So in two weeks time."

I looked at my father quizzically. Last I knew it was going to be a month. Apparently he had decided to move up the time without telling me. Not that I was going to complain, it just meant getting everything over with sooner. 

"Two weeks. I should have something arranged then. Alarik, when do you think I can have a look around the other pack?"

"Today. After we're finished here I'm going to see if my mate would like to come with us. I want to show her the other pack and introduce her there. I've been away for a while. I need to sort out everything with my Beta and actually step in. I've not had the time to be there except to give them my announcement."

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