Chapter 8- Remove or... No

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Opening my eyes again was the worst thing for two reasons. First, because I knew that I was probably going to have to go through that again, and second, because I hadn't seen Alarik. 

I remembered his dark eyes staring at me just as my eyes had closed. In that split second, I thought he had actually been there to get me, but he hadn't. Had it just been all my imagination? It had to be.

I blinked my eyes a few times and looked around the small room before sitting up with a groan. 

I wasn't sure how long I'd been out, but the one gash on my arm was completely healed. The other one however, had a series of stitches pulling the skin together. 

"Fucking silver," I grumbled resting my head back against the wall. 

"Good you're awake?" The voice came at the same moment I was blinded by the door opening again. 

I heard the clink and the scraping sound as another plate was scooted toward me. Another tray of mush. I poked at it with the plastic fork, my stomach rumbling but my mind not wanting to eat it. 

If only there was a way for me to just burn all my tastebuds. I knew I wasn't going to be getting anything else though, so I picked up the tray. 

I saw the man set something else down too and scoot it toward me. Clear liquid sloshed over the sides and I quickly set the tray down, opting for the cup instead. 

The chain ran out with the cup just short of my reach. The man laughed slightly before sticking his foot out and moving it the two inches closer. 

I snatched up the cup and brought it to my lips, greedily drinking the water. 

How long had it been since I'd had water? 

It was one of those things that didn't cross your mind until you no longer had unlimited access to it. 

"Drink and eat up, you have another big day ahead of you." The shadowed eyes seemed to crinkle with a smile and he turned back around and left me right after sticking the needle in my neck. 

I picked at the mush and ate it, feeling that same groggy feeling flowing into my head while the rest of me woke up. 

I needed to figure out what this was. It was like it cleared out whatever drug was keeping me from having no contact with my wolf from my system, while also making sure I couldn't reach it to shift or communicate. 

I tried reaching out anyway, even as I felt the fog taking over. There was always a chance that somewhere in the middle there would be a weakness in one of the drugs and something could slip through. 

However, I was just met with that same barrier. 

What if he isn't even looking for me because he thinks I'm dead? 

I prayed that wasn't the case. If Alarik had given up on me--

Well I would probably end up giving up on myself. 

I let the thought sink in before I pushed it away. There was no way I could dwell on one thing like that for so long. 

This time I was prepared for the light when the man came in again. I heard him work with the chains at the wall and I felt him tug them, menaing he wanted me to stand. I complied, finding that my legs were more stable then they'd been in a while. 

This time when he led me out of the room, I was able to see more. It didn't do much for me though. I didn't see any doors or windows, the bright lights just came from the flourescents overhead. I looked all around for something that could make this place distinguishable but I didn't know anything about stuff outside of our pack. 

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