Chapter 32- Summon

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I was getting immensely frustrated. Zachary had tried to summon the witch three times so far and he'd come up empty handed with each attempt. 

Alarik's phone rang and I pulled it out of his pocket. Thankfully the drugs were still working on him. 

"Allison," I said without bothering to look at the number first. 

"I need to speak with Alarik." I knew the voice, it was the doctor. 

"Well he's a bit indisposed at the moment. Whatever you need to say, you can say it to me," I snapped at him. I didn't mean to sound bitchy, I had just had enough with everything going on. 

"Well, uh, we've had a few more people enter with the same conditions," the man said. 

"A few?" I asked. A few wasn't exactly a solid number and he could tell I wanted that from my tone. 

"Twenty-four to be exact, Mrs. Trenton." I rolled my eyes at his use of Alarik's last name. There were far more pressing issues than the fact that he and I weren't married yet. 

"Do what you can to make them comfortable. Keep them alive as long as possible; we're working on fixing this now."

"Yes, ma'am."

I ended the call and put the phone down rather harshley on the dresser. 

"Have you gotten anything yet?" I asked going back to Zachary. 

"She's got a strong barrier around her," he murmured with his eyes closed. He started up a chant in a language that I didn't understand. There was an alter in front of him with various objects and herbs scattered around. 

"Well fix it and get her here," I snapped.

I could feel Zachary tensing. It probably wasn't a good idea to piss off a warlock, but it wasn't a good idea to piss off a werewolf either, and I was beyond pissed.

"We have more that were taken into the medical center for this curse. Our people are dying and that witch is the cause of it. I want here here. I want to know why she did this and then I want to make her fix it."

"Well I've been unable to pull her here. If I'm having this much difficulty just summoning her, I doubt you're going to accomplish either of your goals, little wolf," he said smoothly but I could here the edge of annoyance hidden behind the words.

"I am not a little wolf," I spat. "I am the Luna of this pack and that witch was brought in here by you. That makes this partially your responsibility. If you wish to keep your name out of it, then I suggest you cooperate in getting her here and making her stop whatever is going on."

I heard Alarik groan and I looked toward where he was lying on the bed. A coughing fit racked his body and he turned on his side, blood coming up from the force of the cough.

A sheen of sweat covered his forehead and I could see it starting to soak into his shirt. There was no doubt that something was wrong with him. I knew that he could fall over on the ground and he'd still deny that anything was wrong with him though.

He was stubborn, my stubborn mate. Sometimes it was endearing, right now it was frustrating.

When he turned toward me, his eyes were glowing with his wolf. It was clear that whatever this was, was affecting him differently than it was affecting the rest of the pack.

It was drawn out, each symptom developing much slower. He was losing his control on his wolf, the one thing that an Alpha was supposed to have absolute control over and that witch was making him feel the control leave while his body completely shut down.

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