Chapter 2- Captivity

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My eyes start to open for the third time since I was captured. Whatever it was that they gave me seemed to last a while, at least the first time it wore off I was no longer in the van. I had been taken to a small room with bright lights. 

No one had been there, it had just been me alone chained up to a metal chair. My head had hurt and my mind was still fuzzy. I'd tried to link up with Alarik, but somehow I had still been blocked.

Something else had knocked me out again after that, and the second time I was in a completely different room. At first I had thought that Alarik had found me, that he'd saved me from whoever it was that had taken me. But then I realized that wasn't true, they'd just moved me yet again. This room was darker, and it smelled musty, almost like it was infested with mold or mildew. 

The overwhelming smell made me gag at first, overwhelming my senses. The air seemed moist and slightly chilled. 

I was once again confined to a chair with restraints. 

I hadn't seen a single person since I'd been taken by the two men. I had no idea if it was just those men, or if there were others. 

Now, the third time when I woke up I was in the same room, still where I was last time, only now I heard a door opening behind me. I heard the feet against the tiled floor, the tile floor that chilled my bare feet. 

A man stepped around directly in front of me looking down. I wasn't sure if it was one of them men from the van or not because I hadn't gotten a good enough look at him. The musty scent covering up everything else in the dank room disabling my sense of smell. I didn't know if he was human or not, but my guess was that he was. 

However, the look in his eyes made me believe he knew what I was too. 

A wad of fabric at his side caught my attention and I felt panic spike up in me. What was he going to do with that? Was it to harm me? Suffocate me? What?

I almost let out a small chuckle when I realized all they would really have to do to suffocate me would be to leave me awake and alone in this room. It felt like the air was full of water and that smell, I was sure I would suffocate if left alone in it. 

"Where am I?" I asked, my voice gravelly from lack of use. 

"Doesn't matter. You won't be here much longer."

"Here as in this room, here as in this location, or here as in alive?" I nearly spat at him. I felt the anger rising up in me. 

"I guess you'll have to wait and find out won't you?" The man's eyes sparkled like he was enjoying this. 

"I don't know what you have in mind. But it's not like your going to get some sort of ransome from me or something."

I didn't know if he know what I was, or who I was to a certain other person, but what I said was true. If they asked for some sort of money for me because they knew I was the mate to an Alpha's son, well they were seriouslly delusional. 

We were a well off pack, but we weren't rich, and the Trenton's didn't have the money to just throw around to get a girl back. It didn't matter who I was to anyone, even if I was the mate to the Alpha's son. There was no love lost between Alarik's father and myself. He may have agreed to let us be together, but I knew he would find some reason to not pay up. And rightly so. 

I pushed the thought to the side. No one ever said that was what they wanted, and the man answered as much. 

"We didn't take you for money," he said with another grin. 

"Well then why did you take me?" There were so many things I wanted to do to that man right then to wipe that damned smirk off his face. My animalistic urges coming to the surface. If I could just shift into my wolf I would tear him to shreds, rip out is throat and bathe in his blood. 

I could amost see the view in my mind right then and it brought my own sadistic smile to my face. 

The man ignored my smile and held the fabric he'd had at his side out in front of him and it unfloded, the material turning into an extremely large shirt. 

"You're going to change into this."

I raised a brow at him. He wanted me to change into a ratty oversized shirt. I think I would prefer keeping what I had on, but when I opened my mouth he spoke up again, guessing what I had to say. 

"It will make this whole thing easier," he said. "You will be wearing it one way or another. Either you strip and put this on yourself, or I'll just have to do it for you."

I swallowed hard at his words, and I really didn't want to know what that meant. I mentally calculated my chances of getting out of here. If I was going to put that on myself, I would have to be unchained. I could possibly ask for him to turn his back for decency, but that would mean that he was decent. 

To me I wasn't quite sure of yet. 

If I could get him to turn his back though, then there was a chance I could make a run for the door. Assuming there was no one on the other side to keep watch. 

The odds were against me, but I had to try. 

I nodded my dizzy head and he seemed satisfied with my response. 

He messed with the chains and locks letting them fall loose and I stood up, my body swaying with the remnants of whatever it was still in my system. 

"Can I have a little privacy?" I asked. 

"Privacy?" The man looked at me like I spoke a different language. 

I rolled my eyes at him. "At least turn your back. I would like to think that even barbarians who kidnap helpless women off the street could show enough decency to turn their back while a woman changes.

A grin broke out across the mans face as he winked at me. I felt a shiver go down my spine, and not in a good way, but the man slowly turned his back to me. 

I took the opportunity to try and make a break for it. 

My legs were still wobbly and my head spun like it was the earth going around the sun. I don't think I even got half way there before i felt large arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me hard against a chest. 

"Sneaky, sneaky. But we've learned not to trust people like you." The word people sounded almost like a snarl and with the end of his sentence I felt a sharp pinch in my neck again. 

This time it took a lot longer for the drugs to take me under, like being forced under water by the waves, drowning with no way to get help. 


With the last bit of conciousness I had I almost felt a laugh force its way up. There wasn't going to be any help for me. No one knew these men, no one knew where I was at. 

I couldn't even contact Alarik, and all that took was my mind. 

No, everything in there was too jumbled up and there wasn't any way for me to get in contact with him. There was no help coming for me, no way out of this. 

I was going to have to sit here and take whatever these monsters did. I wasn't going to have a choice. 


Another quick but slightly short update just to get the story going. So now we see Alarik's side as well as Allison's. It sounds like they're both having it a bit rough at the moment. 

Remember to leave your COMMENTS and VOTES. Thanks a ton. I hope you all enjoy as the story keeps going. 

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